TicToc 0.1.0

TicToc 0.1.0

Maintained by Roberto Sartori.

TicToc 0.1.0

  • By
  • terrordrummer


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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


TicToc is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TicToc'


TicToc is a simple module intended to measure elapsed time across two events: the tic() and the toc(). The tic() event triggers the starting timestamp while the toc() returns the elapsed time since the last tic event.

Once the tic() event is called, multiple toc() events could be called to get the incremental elapsed times.

There are two available tic/toc events, a static pair and an instance-binded pair. The static one are useful whenever the tic/toc events need to be triggered from different classes while the instance-binded one are intended to be used for local measurement.

Few more static helper methods are provieded to write the elapsed time measuring code in a more readable fashion.


Static Tic/Toc

Call the static TicToc.tic() method to start the measurement and the TicToc.toc() to retrieve the elapsed time.

Instance-binded Tic/Toc

Anywhere needed you can instantiate a TicToc class

let tictoc = TicToc()

By default, when TicToc() is instantiated the tic() method is called. Next, call the toc() methods to get the elapsed time

// ... some operations
let elapsedTime = tictoc.toc()

Measure Helper

Two static methods TicToc.measure are provieded as an optional way to make the measurement operations more readable.

One version measures an operation synchronously while the second one provies a completion block to be called when the operation is finished (so the operation block could consist in some asyncronously dispatched operations).

The synchronous version accepts a label to be used as a prefix in the log string:

TicToc.measure(label: "Operation completed in") {
	// ...some operations
// this will log "Operation completed in 3.23 sec"

The second version both accepts the label and executes the operation block synchronously but the closure receives a completion callback to be called whenever the operation is finished:

TicToc.measure(label: "Operation completed in") { (completion) in

	// ...do whatever needed, dispatch, fetch, etc...
	// wherever the measured operation is completed

Log Control

Tipically, you probably don't want time-measurement logs to be generated in production. To address this requirement a static flag logEnabled is provided to enable/disable the output of the latter measure methods:

TicToc.logEnabled = false // <- inhibits the log output
TicToc.measure(label: "Operation completed in") {
	// ...
// no logs will be printed


terrordrummer, [email protected], http://robertosartoridev.com


TicToc is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.