TheRouter 1.1.8

TheRouter 1.1.8

Maintained by, mars.yao.

TheRouter 1.1.8

  • By
  • mars


license Platform Language wiki



TheRouter is a product of the same support Android and iOS lightweight routing middleware, the iOS side absorbs other language features, support Annotation function, It greatly improves the feel of using routes in iOS. Instead of the traditional ioser target-action or protocol concept, it is aligned to the broader background or Android application.

TheRouter core functions have four major capabilities:

  • Page navigation jump ability: support regular vc or Storyboard push/present jump ability;
  • Automatic registration capability: similar to Java annotation function, route registration can be completed by marking the vc class or any method;
  • Hard-coding elimination: Built-in scripts automatically convert registered path to static string constants for business use;
  • Dynamic capabilities: support for adding weights, interceptors, etc.

Module Description

├── Classes
│   ├── TheRouter+Annotation.h
│   ├── TheRouter+Annotation.m  // Route annotator and Path functionality extension
│   ├── TheRouter.h
│   └── TheRouter.m             // Routing library core code (add, delete, check, redirect/interceptor)
└── Resources
    └──                 // Annotation scanning and hardcoded processing scripts (this script will only be referenced and will not be involved in compilation and packaging)


Cocoapods imported

pod 'TheRouter'

Annotation use


Create TheRouterAnnotation.plist file, must be under the MainBundle.


Create a target of type Aggregate for the project:


Add a script to the newly created target:

Example script parameters:

python3 $SRCROOT/../TheRouter/Resources/     # Script path
$SRCROOT/                                           # Parameter 1: Scan path, usually the project root
$SRCROOT/TheRouter/                                 # Parameter 2: Path definition header file storage directory is generally stored in the public module
$SRCROOT/TheRouter/TheRouterAnnotation.plist        # Parameter 3: TheRouterAnnotation file path


When the application is loaded, register the host, add route annotation on the VC class you want to jump to, or create a Service class for the corresponding module, and add annotation on the method in the Service, for example:

Register the project host:

[TheRouter.shared registPathAnnotationsWithHost:@"hd://com.therouter.test"];

Add vc annotations:

TheRouterController(test/vc, TestViewController)
@interface TestViewController : UIViewController


Add the Service annotation:

#import "TestService.h"
#import "TheRouter_Mappings.h"
#import <TheRouter/TheRouter+Annotation.h>

@implementation TestService

TheRouterSelector(test/jump, jumpToTestVC, TestService)
+ (id)jumpToTestVC:(TheRouterInfo *)routerInfo
    UIViewController *vc = [TheRouter.shared openVCPath:kRouterPathTestVcVC
                                                hanlder:^(NSString * _Nonnull tag, NSDictionary * _Nullable result) {
        !routerInfo.openCompleteHandler ?: routerInfo.openCompleteHandler(tag, result);
    return vc;



Every time the right to increase when the compiler to create a great target, to TheRouterAnnotation.plist automatically. The file write information, and in the specified directory to generate TheRouter_Mappings.h file, the file into the corresponding module

Interceptors and redirects


// As long as access to hd://com.therouter.test or its path (hd://com.therouter.test/xxx) will enter the callback
// If YES is returned, the corresponding route event can be executed; otherwise, the route event will be blocked and not executed
[TheRouter.shared registInterceptorForURLString:@"hd://com.therouter.test/*" handler:^BOOL(TheRouterInfo * _Nonnull router, id  _Nullable (^ _Nonnull continueHandle)(void)) {
    NSLog(@"will execute router %@", router.URLString);
    return YES;


// Redirection refers to the hd:// event when visiting hd://, which is used to migrate the old path or quickly change to another page to take on the business when encountering problems on production environment
[TheRouter.shared registRedirect:@"hd://" to:@"hd://"];

Executing route events

UIViewController *vc = [TheRouter.shared openVCPath:kRouterPathTestVcVC    // Passing Path
                                                cmd:TheRouterOpenCMDPush   // Specifying the open command
                                         withParams:@{@"title":@"123"}     // Specifies the parameters.Assignment to kvc is supported here
                                            hanlder:^(NSString * _Nonnull tag, NSDictionary * _Nullable result) {
        !routerInfo.openCompleteHandler ?: routerInfo.openCompleteHandler(tag, result);


HUOLALA mobile technology team


TheRouter is available under the Apache2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.