Tesseract.EthereumWeb3 0.1.6

Tesseract.EthereumWeb3 0.1.6

Maintained by Yehor Popovych.


GitHub license Build Status GitHub release CocoaPods version Platform iOS

Ethereum Web3 Lirary for Swift with Open Wallet support


This library intergates Boilertalk/Web3.swift library with OpenWallet.swift and Wallet.swift.

It supports major Ethereum Web3 methods through HTTP.

Getting started


With OpenWallet.swift (Client)

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Tesseract.OpenWallet/Ethereum'
pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3'

# Uncomment this lines if you want to enable PromiseKit extensions
# pod 'Tesseract.OpenWallet/EthereumPromiseKit'
# pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3/PromiseKit'

Then run pod install.

With Wallet.swift (Wallet)

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Tesseract.Wallet/Ethereum'
pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3'

# Uncomment this lines if you want to enable PromiseKit extensions
# pod 'Tesseract.Wallet/EthereumPromiseKit'
# pod 'Tesseract.EthereumWeb3/PromiseKit'

Then run pod install.

Supported methods

For the list of supported methods and API reference check Boilertalk/Web3.swift repository.


OpenWallet.swift (Client)

New transaction
import OpenWallet
import EthereumWeb3

let rpcUrl = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{API-KEY}"

// Initializing OpenWallet with Ethereum. Creating Web3 instance
// Store your OpenWallet instance somewhere(AppDelegate, Context). It should be reused.
// If you need only Web3, you can store it only(it will store OpenWallet inside itself).
let web3 = OpenWallet(networks: [.Ethereum]).ethereum.web3(rpcUrl: rpcUrl)

// Creating Transaction
let tx = EthereumTransaction(
    from: try! EthereumAddress(hex: "0x...", eip55: false),
    to: try! EthereumAddress(hex: "0x...", eip55: false),
    value: 1.eth

// Sending it. OpenWallet will handle signing automatically.
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx) { response in
    switch response.status {
    case .success(let hash): print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
    case .failure(let err): print("Error:", error)

Wallet.swift (Wallet)

New transaction
import Wallet
import EthereumWeb3

// Path to sqlite database with wallets
let dbPath = "path/to/database.sqlite"

// Wallet Storage
let storage = try! DatabaseWalletStorage(path: dbPath)

// Applying migrations
try! storage.bootstrap()

// Creating manager with Ethereum network support
let manager = try! Manager(networks: [EthereumNetwork()], storage: storage)

// Restoring wallet data from mnemonic
let walletData = try! manager.restoreWalletData(mnemonic: "aba caba ...", password: "12345678")

// Creating wallet from data
let wallet = try! manager.create(from: walletData)

// Unlocking wallet
try! wallet.unlock(password: "12345678")

// Adding first account 
let account = wallet.addAccount()

let rpcUrl = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/{API-KEY}"

// Creating Web3 for this Wallet
let web3 = wallet.ethereum.web3(rpcUrl: rpcUrl)

// Creating Transaction
let tx = EthereumTransaction(
    from: try! account.eth_address().web3,
    to: try! EthereumAddress(hex: "0x...", eip55: false),
    value: 1.eth

// Wallet will sign this transaction automatically (with 'from' account)
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx) { response in
    switch response.status {
    case .success(let hash): print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
    case .failure(let err): print("Error:", error)



EthereumWeb3.swift is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.