TeadsSDK-TestCD 4.1.0

TeadsSDK-TestCD 4.1.0

Maintained by CI.

  • By
  • Teads


Teads allows you to integrate a single SDK into your app, and serve premium branded "outstream" video ads from Teads SSP ad server. This demo app includes Teads iOS library and is showing integration examples.

Run the sample app

Clone this repository, open it with Xcode, and run project.

Download the Teads SDK iOS library

Teads SDK is currently distributed through CocoaPods. It include everything you need to serve "outstream" video ads.

target 'YourProject' do
    pod 'TeadsSDK', '4.0.9'

In terminal in the directory containing your project's .xcodeproj file and the Podfile, run pod install command. This will install Teads SDK along with our needed dependencies.

$ pod install --repo-update

Integration Documentation

Integration instructions are available on Teads SDK Documentation.


See changelog here.