TapThemeManager2020 1.0.89

TapThemeManager2020 1.0.89

Maintained by Osama Rabie.

Depends on:
TapFontKit-iOS>= 0
LocalisationManagerKit-iOS>= 0

  • By
  • Tap Payments


A SDK that provides an interface to theme iOS application with responsiveness between different themes.

Platform CocoaPods Compatible


To use the SDK the following requirements must be met:

  1. Xcode 11.0 or newer
  2. Swift 4.0 or newer (preinstalled with Xcode)
  3. Deployment target SDK for the app: iOS 12.0 or later


Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods


To integrate goSellSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '12.0'

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'TapThemeManager2020'


Then, run the following command:

$ pod update


First of all, TapThememanager should be set up by providing the theme itself. This can be provided as Plist or JSON file(s) or a given Theme Dictionary.

Set the current theme

Below the different ways you can attach a certain theme file to the shared ThemeManager and how to change the theme at run time.


Make sure the JSON file in the main bundle of your project.


TapThemeManager.setTapTheme(jsonName: "MyThemeFile")


[TapThemeManager setTapThemeWithJsonName:@"MyThemeFile"];


Make sure the PLIST file in the main bundle of your project.


TapThemeManager.setTapTheme(plistName: "MyThemeFile")


[TapThemeManager setTapThemeWithPlistName:@"MyThemeFile"];

Theme Dictionary


TapThemeManager.setTapTheme(themeDict: ["MyLabelFontSize":22])


[TapThemeManager setTapThemeWithThemeDict:@{@"MyLabelFontSize":@(22)}];

Don't forget to import the framework at the beginning of the file:


import TapThemeManager2020


@import TapThemeManager2020;


#import <TapThemeManager2020/TapThemeManager2020.h>

Theme Accepted Values

As stated in Setup, the SDK requires a Theme (file or object) and the SDK does the magic for matching the values in the given Theme to the UI attributes for the UIKit subclasses.Here we will state the rane of acceptable values in the Theme (file or object.)

Type Usage Accepted Formats Examples
Hex Color When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIColor or CGColor like UIView.backgroundColor or UIBar.barTintColor 3, 4, 6, 8 Hex color codes "#RGB", "#RGBA", "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA"
Number When you need to change an attribute that accepts CGFloat or Double, like UIView.alpha or UIVIew.layer.borderWidth +ve floats 0, 0.3, 5, 10.2
Font When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIFont, like UILabel.font "Font FamilyName, Size" or "Size" "FontFamilyName,23" -> Creates a font using the given font name and size, "23" -> Creates a font using the default fonr and the given size
UIBarStyle When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIBarStyle, like UIBarStyle.barStyle "default","black","blackTranslucent"
UIImage When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIImage, like UIImageView.image String represents the image name you want to apply "MyImage"
Keyboard Appearance When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIKeyboardAppearance "default","dark","light","alert"
Navigation Bar Appearance When you need to change an attribute that accepts UINavigationBarAppearance. Requires iOS 13+ Title Text Attributes
Large Text Attributes
Compact Appearance
Scroll View Indicator When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIScrollView.IndicatorStyle. "default"
Status Bar Style When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIStatusBarStyle "default"
"darkcontent" Requires iOS 13+
Vibrance Blur When you need to change an attribute that accepts UIVisualEffect "dark"
"prominent" Requires iOS 10+
"regular" Requires iOS 10+
String Attributes When you need to change an attribute that accepts NSAttributedString A dictionary that has the needed attributes using the values given previously Font, Color, etc.

Themeable attributes

The SDK provides interfaces for various subclasses of the UIKit to easily apply the theme value from the theme provided to the corresponding attribute in the UIKit subclass. Provided below some of the attributes the SDK supports for different UIViews. To know what attributes the sdk supports, for any UIView just type .tap_theme and all avaliable methods will show


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UIView.tap_theme_alpha setAlpha: Float 0.4
UIView.tap_theme_backgroundColor setBackgroundColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UIView.tap_theme_tintColor setAlpha: Hex color "#FF00FF"


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UIApplication.tap_theme_setStatusBarStyle setStatusBarStyle:animated: Status Bar Style "default"


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UIBarItem.tap_theme_image setImage: UIImage "MyImageName"
UIBarItem.tap_theme_setTitleTextAttributes setTitleTextAttributes:forState: String Attributes "NavigationTitle": {


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UIBarButtonItem.tap_theme_tintColor setTintColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UILabel.tap_theme_font setFont: Font "MyFontName,24"
UILabel.tap_theme_textColor setTextColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UILabel.tap_theme_highlightedTextColor setTextColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UILabel.tap_theme_shadowColor setShadowColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UILabel.tap_theme_textAttributes setTitleTextAttributes:forState: String Attributes "NavigationTitle": {


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UINavigationBar.tap_theme_barStyle setBarStyle: Bar Style "default"
UINavigationBar.tap_theme_barTintColor setBarTintColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UINavigationBar.tap_theme_titleTextAttributes setTitleTextAttributes: String Attributes "NavigationTitle": {
UINavigationBar.tap_theme_largeTitleTextAttributes setTitleTextAttributes: String Attributes "NavigationTitle": {


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UITabBar.tap_theme_barStyle setBarStyle: Bar Style "default"
UITabBar.tap_theme_unselectedItemTintColor setUnselectedItemTintColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UITabBar.tap_theme_barTintColor setBarTintColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UITabBarItem.tap_theme_selectedImage setSelectedImage: UIImage "MyImage"


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UITableView.tap_theme_separatorColor setSeparatorColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UITableView.tap_theme_sectionIndexColor setSectionIndexColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UITableView.tap_theme_sectionIndexBackgroundColor setSectionIndexBackgroundColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UITextField.tap_theme_font setFont: UIFont "MyFont,22"
UITextField.tap_theme_keyboardAppearance setKeyboardAppearance: Keyboard Appearance "default"
UITextField.tap_theme_textColor setTextColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"
UITextField.tap_theme_placeholderAttributes tap_setPlaceholderAttributesSelector: String Attributes "NavigationTitle": {


SDK usage UIKit Selector applied Accepted Theme Value Example Theme Value
UITextView.tap_theme_font setFont: UIFont "MyFont,22"
UITextView.tap_theme_keyboardAppearance setKeyboardAppearance: Keyboard Appearance "default"
UITextView.tap_theme_textColor setTextColor: Hex color "#FF00FF"

Theme File Example

We provide here a sample theme file and how to access different vales in it and match it with the corrent UIView.

Sample Theme File

  "CustomButton": {
    "buttonTitleColorHighlighted": "#555",
    "buttonTitleColorNormal": "#FFFFFF",
    "buttonBackgroundColor": "#ABA6BF"
  "CustomView1": {
      "backgroundColor": "#36688D",
      "borderColor": "#F3CD05",
      "borderWidth": 2
  "CustomLabel1": {
    "textColor": "#F3CD05",
  "CustomView2": {
      "backgroundColor": "#F49F05",
      "borderColor": "#F18904",
      "borderWidth": 1
  "CustomLabel2": {
    "textColor": "#F18904",
  "CustomSwitch2": {
    "onTint": "#F18904",
  "CustomView3": {
      "backgroundColor": "#BDA589",
  "CustomLabel3": {
    "textColor": "#FFFFFF",
  "CustomUIImageView3": {
    "image": "icon_theme_1"
  "Global": {
      "UIStatusBarStyle": "LightContent",
      "NavigationTint": "#FF0000",
      "NavigationTitle": {
          "NavigationTitleColor": "#FFFFFF",

Apply theme values code examples


// Apply background color for UIView
customView1.tap_theme_backgroundColor = "CustomView1.backgroundColor"
// Apply border color for UIView
customView1.layer.tap_theme_borderColor = "CustomView1.borderColor"
// Apply text color for UILabel
customLabel1.tap_theme_textColor = "CustomLabel1.textColor"
// Apply title color for UIButton in normal state
customButton.tap_theme_setTitleColor(selector: "CustomButton.buttonTitleColorNormal", forState: .normal)
// Apply text attributes

// 1- Fetch the main directory that has the attributes
self.navigationBar.tap_theme_titleTextAttributes = ThemeStringAttributesSelector(keyPath: "Global.NavigationTitle", map: { (entry) -> [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]? in
            // 2- Returns an array of all needed attributes
            return [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor:TapThemeManager.colorValue(for: "Global.NavigationTitle.NavigationTitleColor")!,
                    NSAttributedString.Key.font:TapThemeManager.fontValue(for: "Global.NavigationTitle.Font")!]


// Apply background color for UIView
 _CustomView1.tap_theme_backgroundColor = [ThemeUIColorSelector selectorWithKeyPath:@"CustomView1.backgroundColor"];
// Apply border color for UIView
_CustomView1.layer.tap_theme_borderColor = [ThemeCgColorSelector selectorWithKeyPath:@"CustomView1.borderColor"];
// Apply text color for UILabel
_customLabel1.tap_theme_textColor = [ThemeUIColorSelector selectorWithKeyPath:@"CustomLabel1.textColor"];
// Apply title color for UIButton in normal state
[_customButton tap_theme_setTitleColorWithSelector:[ThemeUIColorSelector selectorWithKeyPath:@"CustomButton.buttonTitleColorNormal"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

// Apply text attributes

// 1- Fetch the main directory that has the attributes
self.navigationBar.tap_theme_titleTextAttributes = [ThemeStringAttributesSelector selectorWithKeyPath:@"Global.NavigationTitle" map:^NSDictionary<NSAttributedStringKey,id> * _Nullable(id entry) {
        // 2- Returns an array of all needed attributes
        NSMutableDictionary *attributesDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        [attributesDictionary setObject:[TapThemeManager fontValueFor:@"Global.NavigationTitle.Font"] forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
        [attributesDictionary setObject:[TapThemeManager colorValueFor:@"Global.NavigationTitle.NavigationTitleColor"] forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
        return attributesDictionary;