TapCardScanner-iOS 1.0.25

TapCardScanner-iOS 1.0.25

Maintained by Osama Rabie.

Depends on:
CommonDataModelsKit-iOS>= 0
TapCardVlidatorKit-iOS>= 0

  • By
  • Tap Payments


A SDK that provides an interface to scan different types of payment cards with various ways and contexts.

Platform CocoaPods Compatible


To use the SDK the following requirements must be met:

  1. Xcode 11.0 or newer
  2. Swift 4.2 or newer (preinstalled with Xcode)
  3. Deployment target SDK for the app: iOS 12.0 or later


Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods


To integrate goSellSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '12.0'

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'TapCardScanner-iOS'


Then, run the following command:

$ pod update


TapCardScanner-iOS provides extensive ways for scanning payment cards whether:

  • Embossed cards:

    • Cards that has digits and letters raised and well crafted.
    • Examples:
      • Visa.
      • Mastercard.
      • Amex.
      • All of Your Embossing Questions, Answered.
    • For more info check : Embossed Card Explaination)
  • Unembossed cards:

    • Cards where the numbers on the card are not raised up like a normal card. It is perfectly flat, with everything just printed on the card.
    • Examples:
      • Some types of Visa.
      • KNET in Kuwait.
      • MADA in KSA.
      • Prepaid Cards | Mastercard
  • For more info check: Unembossed Card Explaination.)

    Making it one of the most inclusive pods in the market, yet one of the easiest to integrate with.

Asynchronous Card Scanning

The kit provides an asyncronous offline way to scan cards from a camera feed right away in your app. This works great in case of scanning embossed cards. The Kit provides two ways to start an asynchronous:

  1. Inline card scanner.
  2. Full screen card scanner.
  3. EMVCO push payment based QR codes.

Also, the Kit provides an interface to style the scanner in both cases as follows:

  1. Cancel button color.
  2. Cancel button localisation.
  3. Scanner rectangle colour.

Asynchronous - Full Screen Scanner

This feature provides an easy way to start the scanner in a modal covering screen.

TapFullScreenUICustomizer Class

This class is used whenever you want to customise the look and feel of the full scanner.


import TapCardScanner_iOS

let tapFullScreenCustomiser:TapFullScreenUICustomizer = TapFullScreenUICustomizer()
tapFullScreenCustomiser.tapFullScreenCancelButtonTitle = "Cancel"
tapFullScreenCustomiser.tapFullScreenCancelButtonFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
tapFullScreenCustomiser.tapFullScreenCancelButtonTitleColor = .white
tapFullScreenCustomiser.tapFullScreenCancelButtonHolderViewColor = .black
tapFullScreenCustomiser.tapFullScreenScanBorderColor = .green


Parameter name Parameter type Required Default value Description
tapFullScreenCancelButtonTitle String No Cancel The cancel button title
tapFullScreenCancelButtonFont UIFont No UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15) The cancel button font
tapFullScreenCancelButtonTitleColor UIColor No .white The cancel button title color
tapFullScreenCancelButtonHolderViewColor UIColor No .black The cancel button holder background color
tapFullScreenScanBorderColor UIColor No .green The borders of scan card color
TapFullScreenCardScanner Class

This is the class providing the functionalioy of showing the Tap scanner as a modal full screen controller. Integrating with it is as simple as writing one line as follows


import TapCardScanner_iOS

let fullScanner:TapFullScreenCardScanner = TapFullScreenCardScanner()

fullScanner.showModalScreen(presenter: self,tapCardScannerDidFinish: { (scannedCard) in
                            print("Card Number : \(scannedCard.tapCardNumber ?? "")\nCard Name : \(scannedCard.tapCardName ?? "")\nCard Expiry : \(scannedCard.tapCardExpiryMonth ?? "")/\(scannedCard.tapCardExpiryYear ?? "")\n")
                        },scannerUICustomization: customiser)


Parameter name Parameter type Required Default value Description
Presenter UIViewController Yes None The UIViewController the TAP scanner will be presented from
tapFullCardScannerDimissed () -> () No Nil The dismiss block that will be called if the user clicks on the cancel button
tapCardScannerDidFinish (TapCard)->() No Nil The block that will be called whenver a card has been scanned
scannerUICustomization TapFullScreenUICustomizer No .init() Pass this object if you want to customise how the UI elements of the full screen scanner looks like
TapCard Class

This is the data model the scanner will return after scanning a card


Parameter name Parameter type Required Default value Description
tapCardNumber String No Nil Represents the scanned card number if any. Otherwise, it will be nil
tapCardName String No Nil Represents the scanned card name if any. Otherwise, it will be nil
tapCardExpiryMonth String No Nil Represents the scanned card expiration month MM if any. Otherwise, it will be nil
tapCardExpiryYear String No Nil Represents the scanned card exxpiration year YYYY or YY if any. Otherwise, it will be nil

Asynchronous - Inline Screen Scanner

This feature provides an easy way to add tap card scanner as a part of your UI by embedding it in a UIView

TapInlineCardScanner Class

This is the class providing the functionalioy of showing an inline scanner as a part of a given layout by bounding itself to a certain UIView.


import TapCardScanner_iOS

let tapInlineScanner:TapInlineCardScanner = .init()
tapInlineScanner.startScanning(in: previewView,cardScanned: { (scannedCard) in
    print("Card Number : \(scannedCard.tapCardNumber ?? "")\nCard Name : \(scannedCard.tapCardName ?? "")\nCard Expiry : \(scannedCard.tapCardExpiryMonth ?? "")/\(scannedCard.tapCardExpiryYear ?? "")\n")


Parameter name Parameter type Required Default value Description
previewView UIView Yes None This is the UIView that scanner/camera feed will show inside it
scanningBorderColor UIColor No .green This is the color of scan the card border.
timoutAfter Int No -1 This decides when the scanner should timeout (fires the timeout callback) in seconds. Default is -1 which means no timeout is required and it will not accept a value less than 20 seconds
didTimout (TapInlineCardScanner)->() No Nil A block that will be called after the timeout period to let the caller decide if he wants to leave the user scanning or he wants to cancel the scanning
cardScanned (TapCard)->() No Nil A block that will be called once a card has been scanned. Note, that the scanner will pause itself aftter this, so if you can remove it or resume it using the respective interfaces

Synchronous Scanner

This feature provides an easy way to start a synchrnous scanning which scans card details from a given static image. This is to be used whenever you want to scan unembossed cards

TapInlineCardScanner Class

This class provides an interface to scan card details from a static image as follows:


import TapCardScanner_iOS

let staticInlineScanner:TapInlineCardScanner = .init()
staticInlineScanner.ScanCard(from: imageWithCard)


Parameter name Parameter type Required Default value Description
image UIImage Yes None The static image you want to fetch card data from
maxDataSize Double No 0 Tap scanner will make sure to compress the image to the given max size in KB. The bigger the allowed size, the bigger the post request will be, the longer it will take to uploade.
minCompression CGFloat No .2 Tap scanner will try to compress the image to the maxx size given, but it will not go below the given quality.
cardScanned (TapCard)->() No Nil A block that will send back the scand card details
onErrorOccured (String)->() No Nil A block that will send back any error occured dring any phase of the process