TSwiftHelper is a library for iOS written in Swift to help user lots of helpful extension functions in development
- iOS 11.0+
- Swift 5
FromTSwiftHelper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'TSwiftHelper'
Second, install TProgressHUD
into your project:
pod install
Manual Installation
Just drag and drop the files in TSwiftHelper/TSwiftHelper
folder into your project
Swift Package
is designed for Swift 5. To depend on the logging API package, you need to declare your dependency in your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/fanta1ty/TSwiftHelper.git", brand: "master"),
let testLb = LabelHelper(style: LabelStyle(backgroundColor: .Clear,
borderColor: .Clear,
borderWidth: 0,
corderRadius: 0,
textColor: .Black,
textFont: .regular(size: 16),
textAlignment: .center,
numberOfLines: 1,
isHidden: false),
text: "Your text")
let testBtn = ButtonHelper(style: ButtonStyle(backgroundColor: .Blue,
borderColor: .Black,
borderWidth: 1,
corderRadius: 8,
textColor: .White,
textFont: .regular(size: 16),
clipsToBounds: true,
isHidden: false,
isUserInteractionEnabled: true),
title: "Button Title",
normalImage: "Button Image".uiImage,
selectedImage: "Button Image when selected".uiImage)
// uiImage() is a function to set image for components instead of using UIimage(named: "Image Name")
let testTextfield = TextFieldHelper(style: TextFieldStyle(backgroundColor: .Clear,
borderColor: .Black,
borderWidth: 1,
corderRadius: 8,
textColor: .Black,
textFont: .regular(size: 16),
textAlignment: .left,
keyboardType: .default,
isSecureTextEntry: false,
autocorrectionType: .default,
spellCheckingType: .no,
autocapitalizationType: .none,
clearButtonMode: .never,
isHidden: false,
isUserInteractionEnabled: true),
text: "Text",
placeholder: "Placeholder text")
let testView = ViewHelper(style: ViewStyle(backgroundColor: .Clear,
borderColor: .Clear,
borderWidth: 0,
corderRadius: 0,
clipsToBounds: true,
isHidden: false,
isUserInteractionEnabled: true))
let testImageView = ImageViewHelper(style: ImageViewStyle(backgroundColor: .Clear,
borderColor: .Black,
borderWidth: 1,
corderRadius: 10,
contentMode: .scaleAspectFill,
clipsToBounds: true,
isHidden: false),
iconImage: "Your View Image".uiImage)
// uiImage() is a function to set image for components instead of using UIimage(named: "Image Name")
let tableView = TableViewHelper(style: TableViewStyle(backgroundColor: .Clear,
borderColor: .Clear,
borderWidth: 0,
corderRadius: 0,
clipsToBounds: true,
isHidden: false,
isUserInteractionEnabled: true),
cellClasses: [YourCell.self],
cellIdentifiers: [YourCell.reuseIdentifier])
//Using reuseIdentifier, will automically create an identifier for your cell
//Can use more than one cell, depence on what you want to display on tableview: cellClasses: [FirstCell.self,SecondCell.self], also add this code to viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let collectionView = CollectionViewHelper(style: CollectionViewStyle(backgroundColor: .Clear,
borderColor: .Black,
borderWidth: 1,
corderRadius: 4,
clipsToBounds: true,
isHidden: false,
isUserInteractionEnabled: true),
collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout(),
cellClasses: [YourCell.self],
cellIdentifiers: [YourCell.reuseIdentifier])
//Using reuseIdentifier, will automically create an identifier for your cell
//Can use more than one cell, depence on what you want to display on collectionView: cellClasses: [FirstCell.self,SecondCell.self], also add this code to viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// DatePicker
PickerHelper.selectDate(title: "Your Picker Title",
hideCancel: false,
datePickerMode: .dateAndTime,
selectedDate: Date(),
minDate: nil,
maxDate: Date().dateByAddingYears(5),
didSelectDate: { selectedDay in
//Your Logic code with Picker
// Option Picker
let data = ["Option1", "Option2", "Option3", "Option4", "Option5", "Option6"]
PickerHelper.selectOption(dataArray: data) { [weak self] value, index in //value: data value, index: data order
//Your Logic code with Picker
TSwiftHelper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.