TSAlertController 1.0.0

TSAlertController 1.0.0

Maintained by SOWOL-KIM.

  • By



To display a simple alert:

let alert = TSAlertController(
    title: "The title of the alert",
    message: "Descriptive text that provides more details about the reason for the alert.",
    preferredStyle: .alert

let okAction = TSAlertAction(title: "OK")

present(alert, animated: true)

TSAlertController mimics the interface of UIAlertController and references other APIs to minimize the learning curve. The customization method has been designed in a similar way to [UIButton.Configuration] and [UIBarAppearance], allowing developers to easily modify the appearance and behavior of the alert using familiar APIs.

And like UIAlertController, you can also add a UITextField to the alert:

let alert = TSAlertController(
    title: "Sign In",
    message: "Please enter your username and password to access your account.",
    options: [.dismissOnTapOutside],
    preferredStyle: .alert

let okAction = TSAlertAction(title: "Sign In")
alert.preferredAction = okAction

let cancelAction = TSAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel)
cancelAction.configuration.backgroundColor = .systemBlue

alert.addTextField { textfield in
    textfield.placeholder = "Username"
alert.addTextField { textfield in
    textfield.placeholder = "Password"

present(alert, animated: true)

Customizing Appearance

To customize fonts, text color, alignment, button group axis, and more, use TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration:

let alert = TSAlertController(
    title: "Current Location Not Available",
    message: "Your current location can't be determined at this time.",
    preferredStyle: .alert
let color = UIColor(red: 251.0 / 255.0, green: 251.0 / 255.0, blue: 236.0 / 255.0, alpha: 1)
alert.viewConfiguration.titleTextAlignment = .center
alert.viewConfiguration.titleTextAttributes = [.font: UIFont(name: "Wanderlust", size: 30), .foregroundColor: UIColor.systemTeal]
alert.viewConfiguration.messageTextAlignment = .center
alert.viewConfiguration.messageTextAttributes = [.font: UIFont(name: "Wanderlust", size: 26), .foregroundColor: UIColor.systemOrange]
alert.viewConfiguration.backgroundColor = .color(color)
alert.viewConfiguration.buttonGroupAxis = .vertical

let okAction = TSAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel)
okAction.configuration.titleAttributes = [.font: UIFont(name: "Wanderlust", size: 22), .foregroundColor: UIColor.white]

let goToSettingAction = TSAlertAction(title: "Go to Setting")
goToSettingAction.configuration.titleAttributes = [.font: UIFont(name: "Wanderlust", size: 22), .foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
goToSettingAction.configuration.backgroundColor = .systemBlue

present(alert, animated: true)

For more details, refer to the ViewConfiguration section.

Interactive Features

TSAlertController also supports interactive user actions:

let actionSheet = TSAlertController(
    title: "What kind of inquiry do you have?",
    options: [.interactiveScaleAndDrag, .dismissOnSwipeDown, .dismissOnTapOutside],
    preferredStyle: .floatingSheet
actionSheet.viewConfiguration.margin = .init(buttonLeft: 5, buttonRight: 5)

let config = TSButton.Configuration(
    imageSpacing: 15,
    preferredSymbolConfigurationForImage: .init(paletteColors: [.label]),
    accessoryImage: UIImage(systemName: "chevron.right"),
    preferredSymbolConfigurationForAccessoryImage: .init(paletteColors: [.label]),
    contentAlignment: .left,
    backgroundColor: .clear

let appUsageInquiry = TSAlertAction(title: "App Usage Inquiry")
appUsageInquiry.configuration = config
// ... 

let paymentIssue = TSAlertAction(title: "Payment Issues")
// ...

let accountSupport = TSAlertAction(title: "Account & Login Issues")
// ...

let bugReport = TSAlertAction(title: "Bug Report")
// ...

present(actionSheet, animated: true)

As you can see in the preview and infer from the option names, various user interactions can be added to the alert. The .dismissOnSwipeDown option allows the alert to disappear when swiped down beyond a certain distance. Similarly, .dismissOnTapOutside makes the alert disappear when the dimmed background area outside the alert is tapped.

Transiton And Animation

TSAlertController supports several transition and animation options:

let alert = TSAlertController(
    title: "Save it for later?", 
    message: "Your current progress will not be saved.", 
    preferredStyle: .alert
alert.viewConfiguration.buttonGroupAxis = .vertical

alert.configuration.enteringTransition = .slideUp
alert.configuration.exitingTransition = .fadeOut

alert.configuration.headerAnimation = .slide
alert.configuration.buttonGroupAnimation = .fadeIn

// ...

Transitions define how the alert appears on the screen when the present(_:animated:) method is called, as their names suggest. Animations determine how the internal views of the alert animate when the alert appears.

Alert With Custom View

You can add a custom-designed view as the header of the alert:

let marketCap = MarketCapView()
let actionSheet = TSAlertController(
    options: [.dismissOnSwipeDown, .interactiveScaleAndDrag],
    preferredStyle: .floatingSheet

let okAction = TSAlertAction(title: "Confirm")
okAction.configuration.backgroundColor = .systemBlue

present(actionSheet, animated: true)

Configuration options

The TSAlertController.Configuration struct defines various behaviors for the alert, including animations and UI preferences.

Name Description Type Default
enteringTransition The transition animation type when the alert appears. For .actionSheet, it defaults to .slideUp. For .alert, it defaults to .fadeInAndScaleDown. TSAlertController.EnteringTransitionType? nil
exitingTransition The transition animation type when the alert disappears. For .actionSheet, it defaults to .slideDown. For .alert, it defaults to .fadeOut. TSAlertController.ExitingTransitionType? nil
headerAnimation The animation type for the alert’s header when presented. TSAlertController.AnimationType? nil
buttonGroupAnimation The animation type for the button group when presented. TSAlertController.AnimationType? nil
prefersGrabberVisible A Boolean value indicating whether a grabber (handle) should be visible. This property applies only to .actionSheet, as .alert does not display a grabber. Bool true

ViewConfiguration options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration struct defines various visual and layout configurations for the alert.

Name Description Type Default
titleHeight The fixed height of the title area. If nil, the height adjusts dynamically. CGFloat? nil
messageHeight The fixed height of the message area. If nil, the height adjusts dynamically. CGFloat? nil
buttonHeight The height of each button in the button group. CGFloat 45
grabberColor The color of the grabber (handle) used for dragging. UIColor? .grabber
titleAttributes Text attributes for styling the title. [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]? Headline font with .alertLabel color
titleAlignment The text alignment of the title. NSTextAlignment .left
titleNumberOfLines The number of lines for the title. If 0, the title expands dynamically. Int 0
messageTextAttributes Text attributes for styling the message. [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]? Subheadline font with .alertSecondaryLabel color
messageTextAlignment The text alignment of the message. NSTextAlignment .left
messageNumberOfLines The number of lines for the message. If 0, the message expands dynamically. Int 0
textFieldContainerBorderColor The border color of the container wrapping the text field. This also changes the color of the separator line. CGColor? .alertGray
textFieldContainerBorderWidth The border width of the container wrapping the text field. This also changeds the thickness of the separator line. CGFloat 0.75
backgroundColor The background style of the alert. Background .alertBackground
backgroundBorderColor The border color of the alert’s background. CGColor? nil
backgroundBorderWidth The border width of the alert’s background. CGFloat 0
shadow The shadow configuration for the alert view. Shadow? nil
cornerRadius The corner radius of the alert view. CGFloat 20
dimmedBackgroundViewColor The background color of the dimmed overlay behind the alert. Background? .black with 0.75 opacity
margin The margins applied around the alert view, defining the spacing between the alert’s boundary and its content, including the button group. LayoutMargin .init()
spacing The spacing settings applied within the alert layout. LayoutSpacing .init()
size The size configuration of the alert. LayoutSize .init()
buttonGroupAxis The axis layout of the button group (horizontal or vertical). ButtonGroupAxis .automatic

Background Options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration.Background enum defines different background styles for the alert.

Name Description
.blur(UIBlurEffect.Style) Uses a blurred background with the specified UIBlurEffect.Style.
.color(UIColor) Uses a solid color background.
.gradient([CGColor], startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint, locations: [NSNumber]?) Uses a gradient background with customizable colors, direction, and location stops.

LayoutMargin Options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration.LayoutMargin struct defines margin settings for content and buttons.

Name Description Type Default
contentTop The top margin for the content area. CGFloat 22.5
contentLeft The left margin for the content area. CGFloat 17.5
contentRight The right margin for the content area. CGFloat 17.5
buttonLeft The left margin for the button area. CGFloat 17.5
buttonRight The right margin for the button area. CGFloat 17.5
buttonBottom The bottom margin for the button area. CGFloat 17.5

LayoutSpacing Options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration.LayoutSpacing struct defines spacing settings within the alert layout.

Name Description Type Default
titleMessageSpacing Spacing between the title and the message. CGFloat 12.5
messageTextfieldSpacing Spacing between the message and the text field. Ignored if no text field is present. CGFloat 12.5
textfieldButtonSpacing Spacing between the text field and the button. If there is no text field, this spacing applies between the message and the button. CGFloat 16.5
buttonSpacing Spacing between buttons in the button group. CGFloat 7.5
keyboardSpacing Spacing between the bottom of the alert and the keyboard. The default value is 20 for action sheets and 100 for alerts. CGFloat 100

LayoutSize Options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration.LayoutSize struct defines the width and height constraints of the alert.

Name Description Type Default
width Width constraint for the alert. LayoutSize.Constraint .proportional()
height Height constraint for the alert. LayoutSize.Constraint .proportional()

LayoutSize.Constraint Options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration.LayoutSize.Constraint enum defines different constraints for width and height.

Name Description
.fixed(CGFloat) Sets a fixed size for the alert.
.flexible(minimum: CGFloat, maximum: CGFloat) Sets a flexible size with minimum and maximum values.
.proportional(minimumRatio: CGFloat, maximumRatio: CGFloat) Sets a size relative to the screen size.

ButtonGroupAxis Options

The TSAlertController.ViewConfiguration.ButtonGroupAxis enum defines the layout direction of buttons in the alert.

Name Description
.automatic Uses a horizontal layout if there are two or fewer buttons; otherwise, uses a vertical layout.
.vertical Forces a vertical button layout.
.horizontal Forces a horizontal button layout.


You can find the example files here.


You can check the upcoming changes for TSAlertController here.


Swift Package Manager

You can use The Swift Package Manager to install TSAlertController by adding the description to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/rlarjsdn3/TSAlertController-iOS.git", from: "1.0.0")


pod "TSAlertController"


Swift 5.0+ | iOS 15.0+


All types of contributions are welcome, from minor typo fixes and comment improvements to adding new features! Bug reports and feature requests are also highly appreciated, and I will actively review them.

TSAlertController is continuously updated with the goal of providing an easy-to-use, modern, and elegant alert system for everyone. I truly appreciate your support! 😃


TSAlertController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.