TCMPTappy 1.3.1

TCMPTappy 1.3.1

Maintained by David Shalaby.

TCMPTappy 1.3.1


Version License Platform Xcode Swift

This is TapTrack's iOS SDK for TappyBLE NFC readers.


pod 'TCMPTappy'

Scanning for a TappyBLE

Create a Scanner

To scan for TappyBLE NFC readers, you can create a TappyBleScanner and call the startScan() method.

Please note that this scanner is a utility provided for convenience. For more robust scanning, it is recommended that the application implement its own scanner using the CoreBluetooth's CBCentralManager. In the example below, the TappyCentralManagerProvider is passed to the TappyBleScanner. However, you can pass in your own central manager in your application.

// Create the scanner.
let scanner: TappyBleScanner = TappyBleScanner(centralManager: TappyCentralManagerProvider.shared().centralManager)

Add a Tappy Found Listener

Create a listener for when the TappyBleScanner detects a TappyBLE device.

func tappyBleFoundListener(tappyBleDevice: TappyBleDevice) {

    // The getTappyBle(centralManager:device:) method does an additional check to ensure that the 
    // detected device is indeed a TappyBLE device and not another device using the same Bluetooth 
    // module. If it finds that the device is not a TappyBLE reader, it will return nil.
    let tappyBle = TappyBle.getTappyBle(centralManager: TappyCentralManagerProvider.shared().centralManager, device: tappyBleDevice)

    // Upwrap the optional value returned by getTappyBle(centralManager:device:).
    if let tappyBleFound = tappyBle {
        // You can set TappyBLE status listeners for connection and disconnection events.
        tappyBleFound.setStatusListener(listener: tappyStatusListener)

        // Note that you must maintain a strong reference to the tappyBleFound object to access
        // it outside this function.

    } else {
        NSLog(String(format: "Failed to initialize the TappyBleCommunicator with %@ with ID %@", 
            arguments: [, String(describing :tappyBleDevice.deviceId)]))

You can attach this listener to the TappyBleScanner using setTappyFoundListener(listener:). Please note that you can only set one tappyFoundListener listener at a time.

scanner.setTappyFoundListener(listener: tappyBleFoundListener)

Start Scanning

To scan for devices, call the scanner's startScan() method.

Note: Although it is permitted, scanning for a TappyBLE before a tappyFoundListener is set accomplishes little since your application would not be alerted to any discovered TappyBLE devices.

// startScan() returns a Bool indicating whether the scan started successfully.
let scanStarted: Bool = scanner.startScan()

if !scanStarted {
    NSLog("Bluetooth scanning could not be initialized.")

You can stop the scan by calling scanner.stopScan(). It is recommended that you stop the scan as soon as you've discovered the devices you're interested in. This preserves battery and follows Apple's recommended Bluetooth usage.

Creating and Sending a Command

You can create a TCMP command using the constructors provided by the library.

// TCMP command for scanning a single NDEF tag. Using the empty constructor sets the default
// scan parameters: scanning for Mifare(R) tags with no timeout.
let scanCommand: TCMPMessage = ScanTagCommand()

// TCMP command for writing an NDEF text record using default parameters (no timeout and not 
// locking the tag to read-only).
let writeCommand: TCMPMessage = WriteNDEFTextCommand(text: "hello world")

// TCMP command for writing an NDEF text record using custom parameters.
let writeCommand2: TCMPMessage = WriteNDEFTextCommand(timeout: 0x05, lockTag: LockingMode.DONT_LOCK_TAG, text: "hello world")

You can then send the command to the TappyBLE using the sendMessage(message:) method.

tappyBle.sendMessage(message: scanCommand)

Receiving a Response

You can resolve a response by calling the correct command family resolver. The example below shows a response listener that uses the BasicNFCCommandResolver to resolve the response received from the Tappy. Each command family has its own resolver that is used as required.

Please note that the command/response resolvers throw when unable to resolve a message, so the resolver call must be wrapped in a do-catch block.

func responseListener(tcmpResponse: TCMPMessage) {
    var response: TCMPMessage

    do {
        response = try BasicNFCCommandResolver.resolveResponse(message: tcmpResponse)

        if let response = response as? NDEFFoundResponse {
            NSLog("NDEF messsage found: \(response.ndefMessage)")
        } else if let response = response as? BasicNfcApplicationErrorMessage {
            NSLog("Basic NFC error response: \(response.errorDescription)")
        } else if {
            // ...
            // Add additional tests for responses you are interested in
    } catch {
        NSLog("Response is not part of the Basic NFC Command Family.")

        // No matter what command family is being used, the TappyBLE may return system
        // errors, such as communication errors or application errors.
        do {
            response = try SystemCommandResolver.resolveResponse(message: tcmpResponse)

            if let response = response as? SystemErrorResponse {
                NSLog("System communication error: \(response.getErrorDescription())")
            } else if let response = response as? SystemApplicationErrorResponse {
                NSLog("System application error: \(response.errorDescription)")
        } catch {
            NSLog("Error: response not recognized.")

You can attach this listener to the TappyBle using setResponseListener(listener:). Please note that you can only set one responseListener at a time.

tappyBle.setResponseListener(listener: responseListener)

Supported Features

  • All framing and de-framing for data sent to and received from the Tappy reader

  • TappyBLE support with Core Bluetooth (deployment target set to iOS v 8.0)

    • Scanning for TappyBLE readers
    • Connecting to TappyBLE readers
    • Sending commands and receiving responses in TCMP format
  • Supported command families

    • Basic NFC Command Family
    • System Command Family
    • Type 4 Tag Command Family
    • NTAG 21x Command family