TCBuildtools 1.0.0

TCBuildtools 1.0.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Apache 2
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Torsten Curdt.

  • By
  • Torsten Curdt

This project holds various build scripts I use in my Xcode projects.

Easiest installation is through CocoaPods. Until there is a release published just add

pod 'TCBuildtools', :git => '[email protected]:tcurdt/TCBuildtools.git'

to your Podfile.

The code is released under the Apache License 2.0.

Git based Build Numbers

  1. create an (or add to an existing) "Aggregate Target" called "Buildtools"
  2. add a "run script" build phase to the new target calling

  3. add the new build target to the project's main target as target dependency

  4. change your Info.plist to

    CFBundleGetInfoString BUILD_REVISION
    CFBundleShortVersionString BUILD_VERSION
    CFBundleVersion BUILD_NUMBER
  5. In your main target set the build settings

    • "Info.plist preprocessor prefix file" to $(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/Info.plist.prefix
    • "Preprocess Info.plist File" to YES

Localizable String verifications

  1. create an (or add to an existing) "Aggregate Target" called "Buildtools"
  2. add a "run script" build phase to the new target calling

  3. Optional: Create a .verifystringsignore file excluding


Turn FIXMEs into warnings

  1. create an (or add to an existing) "Aggregate Target" called "Buildtools"
  2. add a "run script" build phase to the new target calling
