TBHideableTableViewColumns 1.0

TBHideableTableViewColumns 1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2015

Maintained by Tom Baranes.

  • By
  • Tom Baranes


Do you want to copy iTunes NSTableView's column management? You are at the right place!

TBHideableTableViewColumns does:

  • Display / hide columns using a contextual menu
  • Save the column width when it's resizing
  • Save the column place when the NSTableView is ordering columns
  • Auto-resize all columns to fit their content
  • Restore the columns state (hide/display, width) between each laucnh

And more following the needed.


This category requires Xcode 6, targeting OSX 10.7 and above. It should work for previous versions, but never tested.

ARC Compatibility

TBHideableTableViewColumns requires ARC.


Manual installation

To use TBHideableTableViewColumns, just drag the TBHideableTableViewColumns.h and .m files into your project and import the header file in your class.



TBHideableTableViewColumns extends NSTableView using several methods.

- (void)createHideableColumnContextualMenuWithAutoResizingColumns:(BOOL)autoResizingColumns identifierException:(NSArray *)identifierException;

In order to use it, you just have to call the following method. That will set everything by automatically: refresh the last state of your NSTableView, or start listening for columns change.

The contextual menu will display your column title. If this one is nil, it will use do a NSLocalizedString on the identifier, and display it.


  • autoResizingColumns: pass YES if you want to display Auto-resizing all columns in your contextual menu
  • identifierException: column's identifiers you want to display permanently.
- (void)hideColumnWithIdentifiers:(NSArray *)identifiers;

This method is usefull if you want to hide by default some columns. Just pass their identifiers to identifiers

- (void)resizingAllColumn;

Resize all columns to fit their contents.


TBHideableTableViewColumns is using its own bundle in order to localize its strings. Currently, it's supporting the following languages:

  • English

Feel free to add more translations.


  • If you found a bug, open an issue
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request



FSI is under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more information.