TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | SwiftSwift |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Jun 2017 |
SwiftSwift Version | 3.0 |
SPMSupports SPM | ✗ |
Maintained by Kjartan Vestvik.
Depends on: | |
Alamofire | ~> 4.4 |
SynqHttpLib | ~> 0.4 |
This is the SYNQ mobile SDK for iOS, written in Swift 3. It lets you easily integrate your mobile app with the SYNQ platform and the SYNQ Video API.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first. The example project features an app that utilizes the features of the SDK, and this shows how parts of the SDK are to be used.
SynqSwift is available through CocoaPods. If you do not have CocoaPods installed, you can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate SynqSwift into your Xcode project, specify it in your Podfile
pod "SynqSwift"
Then run the following commang to install:
$ pod install
If you get an error saying
[!] Unable to find a specification for <name of pod>
, try runningpod repo update
, and then runpod install
again. This should fix it.
This part consists of classes for fetching videos from the Photos library, exporting and uploading them to SYNQ. The SDK uses Alamofire for communicating with the server. It utilizes a background configured session manager to manage video uploads. This makes the upload continue regardless of whether the app is in the foreground or background.
import SynqSwift
let uploader = SynqUploader()
uploader.delegate = self
let aVideo = SQVideoUpload.init(asset: anAsset)
To do this, you must do two things. 1: Create a video object in the SYNQ API, and 2: Fetch upload parameters from the API for the created video object.
In the example project, the SynqHttpLib pod and the example server (SYNQ-Nodejs-example-server) performs these two functions in one step via the function “createVideoAndGetParamsWithSuccess:”
video.uploadParameters = uploadParams
uploader.uploadVideoArray(videos: videoArray, exportProgress:
{ progress in
// Report export progress to UI
self.progressView.progress = Float(progress)
}, uploadProgress: { progress in
// We need progress between 0 and 1, so must divide percent by 100
let progressBelowOne = progress / 100.0;
// Report upload progress to UI
self.progressView.progress = Float(progressBelowOne)
The outcome of each upload is reported through the SQVideoUploadDelegate methods. These are the methods that are available, and how they should be used:
func videoUploadComplete(video: SQVideoUpload)
A video is successfully uploaded.
func videoUploadFailed(video: SQVideoUpload)
There was an error uploading a video.
func allVideosUploadedSuccessfully()
All videos were successfully uploaded.
The example project included in this repo contains functionality for playing back your uploaded videos. This consists of a table view that lists all uploaded videos. Selecting one of the videos will open a new view controller (an instance of AVPlayerViewController) with a video player configured to play the selected video. This example uses the HLS output format as source for the video playback. The various sources for video playback can be found under the “outputs” field of the video object:
"outputs": {
"hls": {
"url": "https://multicdn.synq.fm/projects/fb/ec/fbec62099ed94d7ba7692c7353d20435/derivatives/videos/0c/19/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a/hls/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a_hls.m3u8",
"state": "complete"
"mp4_360": {
"url": "https://multicdn.synq.fm/projects/fb/ec/fbec62099ed94d7ba7692c7353d20435/derivatives/videos/0c/19/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a/mp4_360/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a_mp4_360.mp4",
"state": "complete"
"mp4_720": {
"url": "https://multicdn.synq.fm/projects/fb/ec/fbec62099ed94d7ba7692c7353d20435/derivatives/videos/0c/19/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a/mp4_720/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a_mp4_720.mp4",
"state": "complete"
"mp4_1080": {
"url": "https://multicdn.synq.fm/projects/fb/ec/fbec62099ed94d7ba7692c7353d20435/derivatives/videos/0c/19/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a/mp4_1080/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a_mp4_1080.mp4",
"state": "complete"
"webm_720": {
"url": "https://multicdn.synq.fm/projects/fb/ec/fbec62099ed94d7ba7692c7353d20435/derivatives/videos/0c/19/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a/webm_720/0c19b46991ae49be994cec9f3909329a_webm_720.webm",
"state": "complete"
Please note: the “url” field is only present when the state is “complete”, i.e. when the transcoding of the video file is finished. The state might also read “submitted” or “progressing”, meaning that the transcoding is not complete yet, hence no output url.
Having obtained the URL for the needed output format, presenting the video player view is accomplished by configuring an instance of the AVPlayerViewController:
// Convert url string to URL
let videoUrlString // the url string fetched from the video object JSON
let videoUrl = URL(string: videoUrlString)
// Configure AVPlayerViewController with an AVPlayer
let avPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()
avPlayerViewController.player = AVPlayer(url: videoUrl!)
// Present the avplayer view controller
self.present(avPlayerViewController, animated: true) {
To use our API, you need to have an API key. Each API key corresponds to a project, and a project is a collection of videos, and settings regarding those videos, such as webhooks. Register for a free API key. Your app should never communicate directly with our API, you should have your own server and use your API key as a secret key from there. Your server should then authenticate requests from your app before sending http calls to SYNQ. If you do not have any server configured to access the SYNQ API, you can use our NodeJS example server as a way to get started. Please note that this server should never be used in production!
This SDK requires iOS 8 or above
Kjartan Vestvik, [email protected]
SynqSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.