SwiftyUTType 1.0.3

SwiftyUTType 1.0.3

Maintained by NoodleOfDeath.

  • By
  • NoodleOfDeath


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Apple's MobileCoreServices framework provides developers with a plethora of common built-in uniform type identifiers that can be used to add contextual meaning between file extension and development environment by associating file with a reverse DNS identifier. These are available to the user as built-in string constants not easily enumerated or known to the developer. By defining a UTType structure, developers can now dynamically reference and extend upon those built-in uniform type identifiers, as well as conveniently check for uniform type conformance through this object-oriented design.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



SwiftyUTType is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyUTType'


Generating uniform type identifiers from Strings and URLs

import SwiftyUTType

print("my-file.css".uttype) // prints "public.css"
print("my-file.html".uttype) // prints "public.html"
print("my-file.java".uttype) // prints "com.sun.java-source"
print("my-file.jpg".uttype) // prints "public.jpeg"
print("my-file.js".uttype) // prints "com.netscpe.javascript-source"
print("my-file.json".uttype) // prints "public.json"
print("my-file.md".uttype) // prints "dyn."; custom document type like this need to be specified in the Info.plist
print("my-file.mp4".uttype) // prints "public.mpeg-4"
print("my-file.plist".uttype) // prints "com.apple.property-list"
print("my-file.png".uttype) // prints "public.png"
print("my-file.swift".uttype) // prints "public.swift-source"
print("my-file.tiff".uttype) // prints "public.tiff"
print("my-file.txt".uttype) // prints "public.plain-text"

print(Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Info" , withExtension: "plist")!.uttype) // prints "com.apple.property-list"

Testing for uniform type conformance

import SwiftyUTType

print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(to: .Image)) // prints "true"
print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(to: .JPEG)) // prints "true"
print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(to: .PNG)) // prints "false"
print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(to: .PNG, .TIFF, .JPEG))  // prints "true"

print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(to: .Image)) // prints "true"
print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(to: .JPEG)) // prints "false"
print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(to: .PNG))  // prints "true"
print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(to: .PNG, .TIFF, .JPEG))  // prints "true"

print("my-file.mp4".uttype.conforms(to: .Video, .Movie)) // prints "true""

print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(to: .Image, .JPEG, mustConformToAll: true))  // prints "true"
print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(to: .Image, .PNG, mustConformToAll: true)) // prints "false"

print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(to: .Image, .JPEG, mustConformToAll: true))  // prints "false"
print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(to: .Image, .PNG, mustConformToAll: true)) // prints "true"

print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(toFirst: .TIFF, .JPEG)!) // prints "public.jpeg"
print("my-file.jpg".uttype.conforms(toFirst: .TIFF, .Image, .JPEG)!) // prints "public.image"

print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(toFirst: .TIFF, .JPEG))  // prints "nil"
print("my-file.png".uttype.conforms(toFirst: .TIFF, .Image, .JPEG)!) // prints "public.image"


NoodleOfDeath, [email protected]


SwiftyUTType is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.