SwiftyMediaGallery 0.1.1

SwiftyMediaGallery 0.1.1

Maintained by nathan-hh.

  • By
  • nathan-hh


CI Status Version License Platform Swift


SwiftyMediaGallery Icon SwiftyMediaGallery Icon SwiftyMediaGallery Icon


  • 📱 iOS 13 or later

Table of Contents


Showing images and videos in an application is a requirement these days in many apps, after strageling finding a good library who do it same as the native iOS gallery i've decided to come with a solution myself and help others. with SwiftyMediaGallery it is very easy to implement. The library comes with flexible public API based POP (Protocol Oriented Proggraming) and a bunch of built-in features:

  • Asynchronous image downloading
  • Rendering and decoding images on the global thread (default iOS do it on the Main)
  • Automatic disk / Memory cache (for now using NSCache)
  • Navigation Image Transition animation
  • Follow back current image index
  • Supports image / video by native + an Open API for adding more items
  • Automatic generated videos tumbnails if nedded


Using 'Combine' library you just need to pass CurrentValueSubject array of AnyMediaItem and init controller with the model

import Combine

let arrMediaItems = CurrentValueSubject <[AnyMediaItem], Never>([AnyMediaItem]())
let currentIndex = CurrentValueSubject <Int, Never>(0)
let viewController = MediaGalleryVC.initVC(array: arrMediaItems, currentIndex: currentIndex)

Create type-erasing items by using wrapper 'AnyMediaItem' and append to an array

let imageItem = ImageMediaItem(url: url.absoluteString)
let videoItem = VideoMediaItem(url: url.absoluteString)
let arr : [AnyMediaItem] = [AnyMediaItem(imageItem),AnyMediaItem(videoItem)]

Then update CurrentValueSubject Array


Use placeholder

Placeholder is optional if you want the user to see something while images are being fetched.

let placeholderVideo = UIImage(named: "PlaceholderImage")
let placeholderImage = UIImage(named: "PlaceholderVideo")

Configuration.setVideo(placeholder: placeholderVideo)
Configuration.setImage(placeholder: placeholderImage)


Set Navigation Image Transition

viewController.setTransitionConfiguration(from: self, referenceImageView: {[weak self] in
        return self!.currentImage
    }, referenceImageViewFrameInTransitioningView: { [weak self] in
        return self!.view.convert(self!.currentImage.frame, to: self!.view)
navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)


Auto pre-fetching when scrolling

Configuration.prefetchUrls = 10 // default is 0

Manually pre-fetch urls



In Memory

Configuration.maxMemoryCacheMB = 100 // default is 10

On Disk

Configuration.maxDiskCacheMB = 300  // default is 200

Auto cache video on disk (you must increase cache size)

Configuration.shouldCacheVideo = true  // default is false

Image rendering max size

Configuration.imageRendererMaxSize = CGSize(width: 2400,height: 2400)  // default is   1200*1200

Show items from a specific index

for example gallery jump and show from 10th picture index

just update currentIndex


You can also follow back the index to the original View Controller

private var subscriptions = [AnyCancellable]()

currentIndex.sink { (index) in
    //update VC
}.store(in: &subscriptions)


Set gallery navigation title and backgroundColor

Configuration.title = "Best Gallery"
Configuration.backgroundColor = .white 



SwiftyMediaGallery is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyMediaGallery'

Swift Package Manager

You can also use Swift Package Manager to add SwiftyMediaGallery as a dependency to your project. In order to do so, use the following URL:



nathan-hh, fdg


SwiftyMediaGallery is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.