SwiftyHawk 0.0.4

SwiftyHawk 0.0.4

Maintained by Muhamed ALGHZAWI.


Version License Platform

Based on the original implementation of Hawk: https://github.com/hueniverse/hawk.


SwiftyHawk is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyHawk'


Usage is easy and straight forward, here is the basic usage:

let creds = HawkCredentials(id: "123456", key: "2983d45yun89q", algorithm: .SHA1)
let client = try! HawkClient(creds: creds)
let options = HawkOptions(url: URL(string: "http://www.example.com/resource/q?x=z&y=r"), method: .post)
let header = try! client.generateAuthorizationHeader(usingOptions: options) // example output: Hawk id=\"123456\", ts=\"1353809207\", nonce=\"Ygvqdz\", ext=\"Bazinga!\", mac=\"qbf1ZPG/r/e06F4ht+T77LXi5vw=\"
Based on the server implementation and your own requirements, you can change the following properties in the options class:
/// Extra information to pass to the server
public var ext: String?

/// A pre-calcualated hash of the payload, if the payload validation is required.
public var payloadHash: String?

/// If the payload validation is required, and the hash not calcualted.
public var payload: String?

/// Payload ContentType, If the payload validation is required, and the hash not calcualted.
public var contentType: String?

/// Optional Timestamp, if not provided HawkClient will get the current TimeStamp
public var ts: Int?

/// Optional Nonce, if not provided HawkClient will generate a random nonce.
public var nonce: String?

/// Oz Application Id
public var app: String?

/// Oz delegator
public var dlg: String?


Few client tests are included in the project to test the output of the generateAuthorizationHeader method for now, PRs are welcome to have a more structured, inclusive tests!

What's Next?

Only generateAuthorizationHeader is implemented for now, so there's a lot of work to be done..

How to contribute?

There're open issues for the missing parts of Hawk, you can start with that.. PRs are welcome!

As a reference, clone https://github.com/hueniverse/hawk for specs (or you can read it from github directly)..