SwiftyCountryPicker 1.0.0

SwiftyCountryPicker 1.0.0

Maintained by anpkmr.

  • By
  • anpkmr


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Screen Shots:-


Library don't depeneds on any third party library.


SwiftyCountryPicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyCountryPicker'

Basic configuration

1- Add a pickerView in your storyBoard. 2- From the attribute inspector set your pickerView class name to ruby CountryPickerView 3- Create outlet for your countryPicker in ViewController

ruby@IBOutlet weak var pickerView:CountryPickerView!

3- On your view controller add the following code to setup countryPicker

ruby pickerView.setCountryPickerView(hideflag: false, countryName: false, countryCode: false, countrydialCode: false)

4- You can add your own done and cancel button above the picker . On done button press you can call the below closure to get the selected country. and other info.

pickerView.getSelctedCountry { (data) in print(data.countryCode)}


anpkmr, [email protected]


SwiftyCountryPicker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.