Swiftional 2.2.0

Swiftional 2.2.0

Maintained by VAndrJ.


Swiftional introduce some functional primitives that complement the Swift standard library.

Created for writing Swift code with a slight touch of functional programming.


curry Converts an uncurried function to a curried function.


(A, B) -> R
(A) -> (B) -> R
uncurry Converts a curried function into aan uncurried function.


(A) -> (B) -> R
(A, B) -> R
partial Partial application. Applies an argument to a function.


(A, B) -> R
with applied first argument becomes
(B) -> R
identity Identity combinator function. Returns the input without changing it.
constant The constant combinator function. Ignores the function arguments and always returns the provided value.
flip Flips the arguments of a function.


(A, B) -> R
(B, A) -> R
with Calls the specified closure with the given attrubute as its receiver and returns its result.
ignored Ignores the function return and always returns `Void`.
weakify Weakifying function.


// Instead of this:
someObject.onActionClosure = otherObject.someFunc // `otherObject` captured by strong reference
// Use operator:
someObject.onActionClosure = weakify(otherObject) { $0.someFunc() } // `otherObject` is weakified, not captured by strong reference


Bool * `fold` Case analysis for the `Bool` type. Applies the provided closures based on the value.
  • foldRun Runs the provided closures based on the content of this value.

  • oldEither Case analysis for the Bool type. Applies the provided closures based on the value and return Either.

Optional * `fold` Case analysis for the `Optional` type. Applies the provided closures based on the content of this `Optional` value.


Applyable * `apply` Calls the specified closure with Self value as its receiver and returns Self value.
  • applied Calls the specified closure with Self value as its receiver and returns copy of Self value.


>>> Composes a functions and return a function that is the result of applying `g` to the output of `f`.
<<< Composes a functions and return a function that is the result of applying `g` to the output of `f`.
|> Pipe forward. Applies an argument to a function.

Example. This:

let result = h(parameter: g(parameter: f(parameter: a)))

Can also be written as:

let result = a |> f |> g |> h
<| Pipe forward. Applies an argument to a function.

Example. This:

let result = h(parameter: g(parameter: f(parameter: a)))

Can also be written as:

let result = h <| g <| f <| a
|>> Applies a function to an argument an returns callable function.

Example. This:

let result = { a in f(parameter: a) }

Can also be written as:

let result = a |>> f
<<| Applies a function to an argument an returns callable function.

Example. This:

let result = { a in f(parameter: a) }

Can also be written as:

let result = f <<| a
~~> Asynchronous function composition
>=> Effectful function composition
?> Weakifying function.


// Instead of this:
someObject.onActionClosure = otherObject.someFunc // `otherObject` captured by strong reference
// Use operator:
someObject.onActionClosure = otherObject ?> { $0.someFunc() } // `otherObject` is weakified, not captured by strong reference


Either The type `Either` represents a value of one of these types, but not both: `.left(Left)` or `.right(Right)`.

The Either type is shifted to the right by convention. That is, the .left constructor is usually used to hold errors or secondary data, while .right is used to store a "correct", primary value - one that can be worked on further.

Wordplay: "Right" also means "Correct".