SwiftUIToastManager 1.2

SwiftUIToastManager 1.2

Maintained by Yuantong Lu.

  • By
  • Yuantong Lu


What it can do?

SwiftUIToastManager is a tool to manage the toast views (a card came from bottom of the screen) on the screen. You can add/remove, hide/show toast cards and they can stay on the screen while navigate through the app.

Include it in your project

  • Cocoapod: Add pod 'SwiftUIToastManager' to your Podfile


  • To initialize a view that has toasts
NavigationView {
    ... Your view code
.hasToasts([Toast1().eraseToAnyToast(), Toast2().eraseToAnyToast()])
  • To hide a toast on a view
struct MyView: View {

    private var toastManager: BottomToastManager

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
          ... Your view code
        .onAppear {
  • To show a toast (bring back a toast already initialed) is similar to hide
  • To insert a toast to the toast stack from a view
.onAppear {
  • To remove a toast from the stack permanently is similar to insert

Look at the /Example for a simple implementation.


This repository is under MIT license. License: MIT