SwiftRequestKit 0.1.8

SwiftRequestKit 0.1.8

Maintained by Bogdan V. Filippov.

  • By
  • Bogdan Filippov

🚀 SwiftRequestKit

📖 Introduction SwiftRequestKit is a lightweight and powerful library designed to simplify the process of making network requests in Swift. Whether you're working with APIs, downloading content, or uploading files, SwiftRequestKit has got you covered.

✨ Features Core Configuration: Easily set up the request URL and type. Headers & Content: Define headers, character set, accept type, content type, and language. Parameters: Set parameters as Codable objects or dictionaries. Media Handling: Handle media data for file uploads. Thread Management: Choose the dispatch queue for your network tasks. 📦 Installation CocoaPods

To integrate SwiftRequestKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile: pod 'SwiftRequestKit' Then, run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

🎯 Usage

📄 Licensing This project is licensed under the MIT License. For detailed licensing information, refer to the LICENSE file.

🤝 Contribution Feel free to contribute to SwiftRequestKit! Whether you're fixing bugs, improving documentation, or proposing new features, your contributions are warmly welcomed.