Swift library for checking your public IP address
Supports macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux.
Uses icanhazip, ipv6test, seeip, whatismyipaddress, ident and etc.
import SwiftPublicIP
SwiftPublicIP.getPublicIP(url: PublicIPAPIURLs.ipv4.icanhazip.rawValue) { (string, error) in
if let error = error {
} else if let string = string {
print(string) // Your IP address
Add it in the Cartfile.
github "HackingGate/Swift-Public-IP" "0.0.2"
Run carthage update
Add the SwiftPublicIP framework as an embedded binary to your .xcodeproj file.
Add it in the Podfile
pod 'SwiftPublicIP', '~> 0.0.2'
Run pod install
If you only want try this pod without import it. Run pod try SwiftPublicIP
Swift Package Manager (SPM)
You need Package.swift file.
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourAwesomeApp",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/HackingGate/Swift-Public-IP", from: "0.0.2"),
targets: [
name: "YourAwesomeApp",
dependencies: ["SwiftPublicIP"],
path: "Sources")
Git Submodule or Manual
Add as a git submodule.
git submodule add https://github.com/HackingGate/Swift-Public-IP
If you don't use git, just download it manually.
Drag SwiftPublicIP.xcodeproj to your project.
Add the SwiftPublicIP framework as an embedded binary to your .xcodeproj file.
If you want to remove git submodule Swift-Public-IP.
git submodule deinit Swift-Public-IP
And don't forget remove reference from Xcode.