Parameterized-test for Swift. (with XCTest)
Code Style
SwiftParamTest supports two way of code-style dependent on Swift version.
Function builders API (recommended)
I recommend this when you use Swift 5.1 or later (because this API uses Function builders).
assert(to: max) {
args(1, 2, expect: 2)
args(2, 1, expect: 2)
args(4, 4, expect: 4)
// You can also use tuple (with label).
assert(to: max) {
args((x: 1, y: 2), expect: 2)
args((x: 2, y: 1), expect: 2)
args((x: 4, y: 4), expect: 4)
Legacy API
You can use array literal based API that like follwing when you use under Swift 5.1.
assert(to: max, expect: [
args(1, 2, expect: 2),
args(2, 1, expect: 2),
args(4, 4, expect: 4),
// You can also use tuple (with label).
assert(to: max, expect: [
args((x: 1, y: 2), expect: 2),
args((x: 2, y: 1), expect: 2),
args((x: 4, y: 4), expect: 4),
Operator based API
You can specify row by use the operator ==>
that like following:
// Function Builder API
assert(to: max) {
expect((1, 2) ==> 2)
expect((2, 1) ==> 2)
expect((4, 4) ==> 4)
// Legacy API
assert(to: max, expect: [
expect((1, 2) ==> 2),
expect((2, 1) ==> 2),
expect((4, 4) ==> 4),
Save or Output Markdown Table
Save or output markdown table when enabled by option (default is all disable).
override func setUp() {
ParameterizedTest.option = ParameterizedTest.Option(
traceTable: .markdown, // output console is enabled
saveTableToAttachement: .markdown // save to attachement is enabled
override func tearDown() {
ParameterizedTest.option = ParameterizedTest.defaultOption // restore to default
func testExample() {
assert(to: max) {
args(1, 2, expect: 2)
args(2, 1, expect: 2)
args(4, 4, expect: 4)
// =>
// | Args 0 | Args 1 | Expected |
// |--------|--------|----------|
// | 1 | 2 | 2 |
// | 2 | 1 | 2 |
// | 4 | 4 | 4 |
You can also specify column header name too.
func testMarkdownTable() {
assert(to: max, header: ["x", "y"]) { // specify `header`
args(1, 2, expect: 2)
args(2, 1, expect: 2)
args(4, 4, expect: 4)
// =>
// | x | y | Expected |
// |---|---|----------|
// | 1 | 2 | 2 |
// | 2 | 1 | 2 |
// | 4 | 4 | 4 |
You can also retrive markdown table from result too.
let tableString = assert(to: max, header: ["x", "y"]) {
args(1, 2, expect: 2)
args(2, 1, expect: 2)
args(4, 4, expect: 4)
// =>
// | x | y | Expected |
// |---|---|----------|
// | 1 | 2 | 2 |
// | 2 | 1 | 2 |
// | 4 | 4 | 4 |
This is useful for copy and paste the test specification table to PR or others.
Xcode Code Snippets
Copy .codesnippet
files to the following directory from .xcode directory:
and restart Xcode.
Or run the following command from the root of the repository:
$ make snippets
import SwiftParamTest
import XCTest
class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
ParameterizedTest.option = ParameterizedTest.Option(traceTable: .markdown,
saveTableToAttachement: .markdown)
override func tearDown() {
ParameterizedTest.option = ParameterizedTest.defaultOption
func testExample() {
// for `function`
assert(to: abs) {
args( 0, expect: 0)
args( 2, expect: 2)
args(-2, expect: 2)
// for `operator`
assert(to: +) {
args(1, 1, expect: 2)
args(1, 2, expect: 3)
args(2, 2, expect: 4)
// for `instance method` (when receiver is not fixed)
assert(to: String.hasPrefix) {
args("hello", "he", expect: true)
args("hello", "HE", expect: false)
// for `instance method` (when receiver is fixed)
assert(to: "hello".hasPrefix) {
args("he", expect: true)
args("HE", expect: false)
Custom Assertion
SwiftParamTest uses XCTAssertEqual()
and owns error messages by default.
But you can use custom assertion like follows.
// custom assertion
func customAssert<T: Equatable>(_ actual: T, _ expected: T, file: StaticString, line: UInt) {
let message = """
Expected: \(expected)
Actual: \(actual)
XCTAssert(expected == actual, message, file: file, line: line)
// passed by `with` arguments
assert(to: fizzBuzz, with: customAssertion) {
args(1, expect: "Fizz")
// =>
// XCTAssertTrue failed -
// ----
// Expected: 1
// Actual: Fizz
// ----
- Only up to four arguments are supported.
Can't compile or compiler is clashed
This library use many type inference, therefore type inference are failed in sometime. This may be resolved by explicitly specifying the type information.
for example:
// Legacy API
assert(to: max, expect: [
args(1, 2, expect: 2),
args(2, 1, expect: 2),
args(4, 4, expect: 4),
] as [Row2<Int, Int, Int>]) // `N` in `RowN` is arguments count
// Function Builder API
typealias T = Int
assert(to: max) {
args(1 as T, 2 as T, expect: 2)
args(2 as T, 1 as T, expect: 2)
args(4 as T, 4 as T, expect: 4)
pod 'SwiftParamTest'
Swift Package Manager
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest.git", from: "2.2.0"),
Write following to Cartfile.private
github "YusukeHosonuma/SwiftParamTest"
Yusuke Hosonuma / [email protected]
SwiftParamTest is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.