SwiftGenStrings 0.0.1

SwiftGenStrings 0.0.1

Maintained by Johannes Marbach.

  • By
  • Juraj Blahunka and Johannes Marbach


SwiftGenStrings is a command line application that can be used as a drop-in replacement for the standard genstrings command for Swift sources. The latter only supports the short form of the NSLocalizedString function but breaks as soon as you use any parameters other than key and comment as in

NSLocalizedString("DATE_RANGE", value: "%@ – %@", comment: "A range of dates")

The upstream issue is tracked here.


SwiftGenStrings files
SwiftGenStrings [-s <routine>] [-o <outputDir>] files
SwiftGenStrings [-h|--help]

    (Optional) Print help.
-s routine
    (Optional) Substitute routine for NSLocalizedString, useful when different macro is used.
-o outputDir
    (Optional) Specifies what directory Localizable.strings table is created in.
    Not specifying output directory will print script output content to standard output (console).
    List of files, that are used as source of Localizable.strings generation.

To gather strings in current directory, run:

$ find . -name "*.swift" | xargs SwiftGenStrings

Exporting a Binary

Project supplies a Makefile, to export a binary, run:

$ make release

Exported binary can be found at Products/SwiftGenStrings


Xcode 9.2 seems to have a bug with running tests against macOS destination, luckily, xcodebuild works just fine:

$ make test


  • Xcode 9.2
  • Swift 4.0.2


  • SwiftGenStrings currently doesn't support multiple tables, only the default one - Localizable.strings.
  • It is not possible to use NSLocalizedString in string interpolation e.g.: let hello = "--- \(NSLocalizedString("Hello world!", comment: ""))" will not pickup the localized string.