SwiftExtensions 0.0.2

SwiftExtensions 0.0.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by anatoliyv.

  • By
  • Anatoliy Voropay

Swift extensions

Useful swift extensions for different classes. Main reason of this repo is that I require it in most of my projects and I decided to share with other developers.

Info: Extentions collection is updating. Please send me messages if you want to add some useful functionality to this repository.

Foundation framework


func isTheSameDay(date: NSDate) -> Bool

Used to check if given date is the same date as NSDate.

var dateBefore = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: -3600 * 24 - 10)
var dateAfter = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600 * 24 + 10)

NSDate().isTheSameDay(NSDate()) // is true
dateBefore.isTheSameDay(NSDate()) // is false
dateAfter.isTheSameDay(NSDate()) // is false

class func hourlyTimingString(timeInterval: NSTimeInterval?) -> String

Used to generate time readable string intervals. I.e. 23:12:24 for time intervals more than 1 hour or 23:12 for intervals less than one hour.

NSDate.hourlyTimingString(12) // will return '00:12'
NSDate.hourlyTimingString(3600 - 1) // will return '59:59'
NSDate.hourlyTimingString(3600 + 1) // will return '1:00:01'
NSDate.hourlyTimingString(3600 * 67 + 1) // will return '67:00:01'

class func readableTimeInterval(date: NSDate) -> String

Used to generate readable time interval string. I.e. '3 minutes ago' or '2 days ago'.

NSDate.hourlyTimingString(NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow:3600 - 1)) // 59 minutes ago
NSDate.readableTimeInterval(NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow:-3600 - 10)) //  1 hour ago
NSDate.readableTimeInterval(NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow:-3600 * 24 * 5 - 10)) // 5 days ago
NSDate.readableTimeInterval(NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow:-3600 * 24 * 31 * 5 - 10)) // 5 months ago

class func readableDate(date: NSDate) -> String

Used to get human readable dates for past days. For date less than 24 hours will return exact hour:minute. For date less than 1 week will return day of week. And finaly for all other dates will return date in en_US_POSIX format


func delay(delay: Double, closure:()->()) Will execure a closure after delay. Closure will be invoked in main thread

NSDate.delay(5, closure: {
    println("After 5 seconds")


class func isEmailValid(email: String) -> Bool

Returns true if email is valid. This validation is checking string for matching regexp only. It will not check domain extensions. It's not guarantee you that it's a real email address also.

NSString.isEmailValid("not [email protected]") // false
NSString.isEmailValid("[email protected]") // false
NSString.isEmailValid("notvalid@gmail.") // false

NSString.isEmailValid("[email protected]") // true
NSString.isEmailValid("[email protected]") // true


func fileSizeAtPath(path: String) -> Int

Will return size of a file in given path. If file does not exists will return 0.

UIKit framework


class func colorWithHex(hex: String) -> UIColor

This will create UIColor from a hex string. It will work correctly if hex string will contain # prefix or not. It will return UIColor.clearColor() if string could not be converted to UIColor (i.e. when color string is less than 6 symbols length) In a returned UIColor alpha component always will be 1



var width: CGFloat // Returns frames width
var height: CGFloat // Returns frames height
var x: CGFloat // Returns frames origin x
var y: CGFloat // Returns frames origin y
var centerX: CGFloat // Returns frames center x
var centerY: CGFloat // Returns frames center y
func setWidth(width: CGFloat) // Update frames width
func setHeight(height: CGFloat) // Returns frames height
func setX(x: CGFloat) // Updates frames origin x position
func setY(y: CGFloat) // Updates frames origin y position
func setCenterX(x: CGFloat) // Updates frames center x position
func setCenterY(y: CGFloat)  // Updates frames center y position



mutating func removeObject(object: U)

Will remove object from an array. If there are more than one the same object in array it will remove it also.

func contains(object: T) -> Bool

Will return true if array contains object. Object should conform Equatable protocol.


func length() -> Int // Returns length of a string
func trim() -> String // Returns trimmed string
func substring(location: Int, length: Int) -> String! // Returns substring  with `length` of a string from `location`
func location(substring: String) -> Int // Returns substring location or NSNotFound
func contains(substring: String) -> Bool // Returns `true` if string contains substring
func isNumeric() -> Bool // Returns `true` if string is numeric

subscript(index: Int) -> String!

Returns character at index. I.e:

"abc"[1] == "b"
"abs"[-1] == "s"


var isEven: Bool // Returns true if number is even
var isOdd: Bool // Returns true if number is odd
var isPositive: Bool // Returns true if number is positive
var isNegative: Bool // Returns true if number is negative
var isZero: Bool // Returns true if number is zero
var isPOZ: Bool // Returns true if number is positive or zero
func double() -> Double // Casts to double
func float() -> Float // Casts to float

func times(closure: () -> ())

This method will repeat closure n times. Possible way of usage:

12.times { 
    println("Hello worlds") 