Simple Swift extensions for classes which are mostly used in iOS apps.
Required Swift 2.0 or later
Install Manually
Download and drop Classes folder to your project
Install via CocoaPods
SwiftExtension is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SwiftExtension"
Import SwiftExtension
to your class
import UIKit
import SwiftExtension
##Array extension
Make Comma separated String from array
var myArray = ["New York", "London", "Paris"]
myArray.toCommaString // New York,London,Paris
Remove Specific object from Array
var myArray = ["New York", "London", "Paris"]
myArray.removeObject("London") // ["New York", "Paris"]
Chack Array contain specific object
var myArray = ["New York", "London", "Paris"]
myArray.containsObject("London") // true
myArray.containsObject("Seattle") // false
Get Index of specific object
var myArray = ["New York", "London", "Paris"]
myArray.indexOfObject("Paris") // 2
Gets the object at the specified index, if it exists.
var myArray = ["New York", "London", "Paris"]
myArray.get(1) // London
Int Extension
let number = 10
print(number.isOdd) // false
print(number.isEven) // true
print(number.isNegative) // false
print(number.isPositive) // true
print(number.toUInt) // 10
print(number.toFloat)// 10.0
print(number.toInt64) // 10
print(number.toDouble) // 10.0
print(number.toString) // 10
print(number.toCGFloat) // 10.0
print(number.digit()) // [1, 0]
print(number.digitCount) // 2
print(number.factorial()) // 3628800
NSData Extension
let data = NSData()
data.toDictionary // Convert NSData to NSDictionary
data.toJsonString // Convert NSData to NSString
NSMutableData Extension
let data = NSMutableData()
data.appendString("String") // Convert String to NSdata then append to NSMutableData
NSDate Extension
let date = NSDate()
let afterDate = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 253333)
print(date.weekDay) // 2 : Get Week day from date
print(date.weekOfMonth)// : Get Week index of month from date
print(date.weekDayName) // Monday : Get Week day name from date
print(date.monthName) // April : Get Month name from date
print(date.month) // 4 : Get Month index from date
print(date.day) // 4 : Get Day index from date
print(date.year) // 2016 : Get Year index from date
print(date.getHourAndMinute()) // (19, 43) : Get Hour and Minute from date
print(date.weekDaysInMonth()) // 4 : Get Total count of weeks in month from date
print(date.weeksInMonth()) // 4 : Get Total count of week days in month from date
print(date.daysInMonth()) // 30 : Get Total count of days in month from date
print(date.getTime()) // 07:43 PM : Get Time in AM / PM format
print(date.getTimeInShortFormat()) // 04 Apr : Get Time short (i.e 12 Mar) format
print(date.getTimeInFullFormat()) // 04 Apr, 2016 :Get Time short (i.e 12 Mar, 2016) format
print(date.formateBirthDate()) // 2016-04-04 : Get Time standard (i.e 2016-03-12) format
print(date.afterDate(afterDate)) // true : Check date is after date
print(date.beforDate(afterDate)) // false : Check date is before date
print(date.equalDate(afterDate)) // false : Check date is equal date
print(date.daysInBetweenDate(afterDate)) // 2 : Get days difference between dates
print(date.hoursInBetweenDate(afterDate)) // 70 : Get hours difference between dates
print(date.minutesInBetweenDate(afterDate)) // 4222 : Get minutes difference between dates
print(date.secondsInBetweenDate(afterDate)) // 253333 : Get seconds difference between dates
print(afterDate.getDifferenceBetweenDates()) // 2 days : 22h : 22m : 22s : Get time difference between date from today
NSDictionary Extension
let dictionary = NSDictionary(objects: ["value1", "value2"], forKeys: ["key", "secondKey"])
print(dictionary.has("key")) // true
print(dictionary.has("firstKey")) // false
dictionary.toNSData // Convert NSDictionary to NSDate
String Extension
General extensions
let testString = "Simple Swift extensions ,for classes which are mostly used in iOS apps"
print(testString.trim()) // SimpleSwiftextensions,forclasseswhicharemostlyusediniOSapps
print(testString.length) // 70
print(testString.makeArray) // ["Simple Swift extensions ","for classes which are mostly used in iOS apps" ]
print(testString.makeArrayByWhiteSpace) // [ Simple, Swift, extensions,",for", classes, which, are, mostly, used, in, iOS, apps ]
print(testString[5]) // e
print(testString[5 ..< 15]) // e Swift ex
print(testString.stringSizeWith(UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16), width: 200, lineSpecing: 5)) // (0.0, 0.0, 183.0390625, 91.375)
print(testString.stringWidth(UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16))) // 510.4140625
print(testString.removeCharsFromEnd(15)) // Simple Swift extensions ,for classes which are mostly u
print(testString.contains("extensions")) // true
print(testString.contains("Extensions")) // false
print(testString.containsIgnoreCase("extensions")) // true
let testStringNew = "Simple Swift extensions for classes \nwhich are mostly used in iOS apps"
print(testStringNew.trimForNewLineCharacterSet()) // Simple Swift extensions for classes which are mostly used in iOS apps
Get Youtube video Id from Youtube url
let youtubeUrl = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wIiDnjz4X4"
print(youtubeUrl.getYoutubeID()) // 0wIiDnjz4X4
Get Phone number string from Phone numner
let phoneNumberStriing = "+91 22222-22222"
print(phoneNumberStriing.trimPhoneNumberString()) // 912222222222
String to Date
let dateString = "1995-12-15"
print(dateString.getDate()) // 1995-12-14 18:30:00 +0000
let dateAndTimeString = "2016-04-05 12:12:10"
print(dateAndTimeString.getDateAndTime()) // 2016-04-05 06:42:10 +0000
String to NSDictionary and NSDate
let jsonString
print(jsonString.toDictionary) // Convert String to NSDicationry
print(jsonString.toNSData()) // Convert String to NSdate
Check string contain Regex (Regular expresion)
let imageUrl = http://www.testing.com/uploads/images/__w-200-400-600-800-1000__/9fbaa5bc4e032fb528f3f41997f660e7.jpg
print(imageUrl.matchesForRegexInText("__w-((?:-?\\d+)+)__")) // Get only image size string array ["__w-200-400-600-800-1000__"]
Path Component and Extensions
let pathString = "file.png" //
print(pathString.lastPathComponent) // file.png
print(pathString.pathExtension) // png
print(pathString.stringByDeletingPathExtension) // file
print(pathString.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent) // ""
print(pathString.pathComponents) // ["file.png"]
print(pathString.stringByAppendingPathComponent("jpeg")) // file.png/jpeg
print(pathString.stringByAppendingPathExtension("files")) // file.png.files
print(pathString.insertSubString(2, "new testing")) // finew testingle.png
String to number
let numberString = "44"
print(numberString.toDouble()) // 44.0
print(numberString.toFloat()) // 44.0
print(numberString.toUInt()) // 44
print(numberString.toBool()) // true
Email validation
let emailString = "[email protected]"
let emailStringNew = "dhvl@[email protected]"
print(emailString.isEmail) // true
print(emailStringNew.isEmail) // false
URL validation
let urlString = "www.google.com"
let urlStriongNew = "www."
print(urlString.isValideUrl) // true
print(urlStriongNew.isValideUrl) // false
UIButton Extension
let button = UIButton()
button.applyCornerRadius(true) // Make button round
button.setBackgroundColor(UIColor.greenColor(), forState: .Selected) // Set background color green for selected state
button.textForAllState("Done") // Set title label text "Done" for all state
button.textForNormal("Done") // Set title label text "Done" for normal state
button.textForSelected("Done") // Set title label text "Done" for selected state
button.textForHighlighted("Done") // Set title label text "Done" for highlighted state
button.imageForAllState(UIImage(named: "done")!) // Set "done" image for all state
button.imageForNormal(UIImage(named: "done")!) // Set "done" image for normal state
button.imageForSelected(UIImage(named: "done")!) // Set "done" image for selected state
button.imageForHighlighted(UIImage(named: "done")!) // Set "done" image for highlighted state
button.colorOfTitleLabelForAllState(UIColor.grayColor()) // Set title label color grey for all state
button.colorOfTitleLabelForNormal(UIColor.grayColor()) // Set title label color grey for normal state
button.colorOfTitleLabelForSelected(UIColor.grayColor()) // Set title label color grey for selected state
button.colorOfTitleLabelForHighlighted(UIColor.grayColor()) // Set title label color grey for highlighted state
button.setImageBehindTextWithCenterAlignment(15, buttonWidth: 100, space: 2) // Set image behind text in Center alignment
button.setImageOnRightAndTitleOnLeft(15, buttonWidth: 100) // Set image right side and text on left side
button.setImageBehindTextWithLeftAlignment(15, buttonWidth: 100) // Set image behind text in left alignment
UIColor Extension
UIColor(hex: 222222, alpha: 1.0) // Return UIColor from hext
UIColor(hexString: "222222") // Return UIcolor from hex string
UIColor(hexString: "222222", alpha: 1.0) // Return UIColor from hext string with alpha value
UIFont Extension
UIFont(fontname: "Custom Font", fontSize: 16) // Return Custom font with font size
UIImage Extension
let image = UIImage(named : "test")
image.colorizeImage(UIColor.blackColor) // Return black color image from this image
image.tintedImage() // Return tinted image from this image
image.croppedImage() // Return cropped image
image.rotateImageToNighntyDegree() // Return 90 degree rotated image
UILabel Extension
let label = UILabel()
label.getEstimatedSize(320, height: 100) // Return estimated size of label
label.getEstimatedHeight() // Return estimated height of label
label.getEstimatedWidth() // Return estimated width of label
label.fitHeight() // Fit label height
label.fitWidth() // Fit label width
label.fitSize() // Fit label size
label.getLinesArrayOfString() // Get line text in string array
label.getLinesArrayOfString(2) // Get nth line text
Used for tracking screen for app analysis using event_viewDidLoad
method which screen shown
self.className() // Viewcontroller class name
UIView Extension
let view = UIView()
print(view.endX) // Get view.frame.size.width + view.frame.origin.x
print(view.endY) // Get view.frame.size.height + view.frame.origin.y
print(view.startX) // Get view.frame.origin.x
print(view.startY) // Get view.frame.origin.y
print(view.getWidth) // Get view's width
print(view.getHeight) //Get view's height
view.setStartX(10) // Set view origin.x to 10
view.setStartY(100) // Set view origin.y to 100
view.setWidth(150) // Set view width 150
view.setHeight(200) // Set view height 200
view.setCenter(75, y: 75) // Set vew center to (75,75)
print(view.getCenter()) // Get view center
view.setCenterX(75) // Set view center.x to 75
print(view.getCenterX()) // Get view center.x
view.setCenterY(75) // Set view center.y to 75
print(view.getCenterY()) // Get view center.y
print(view.parentViewController) // Get view's parent view controller
print(view.applyPlainShadow()) // Apply plain shadow
print(view.applyBorder()) // Apply border
view.applyCornerRadius(10, mask: true) // Apply corner radius with mask endble / disable
view.addTopBorderWithColor(UIColor.redColor(), width: 2) // Add top border
view.addRightBorderWithColor(UIColor.redColor(), width: 2) // Add right border
view.addBottomBorderWithColor(UIColor.redColor(), width: 2) // Add bottom border
view.addLeftBorderWithColor(UIColor.redColor(), width: 2) // Add left border
dhvl-golakiya, [email protected]
SwiftExtension is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.