SwiftEmptyState 0.1.7

SwiftEmptyState 0.1.7

Maintained by EnesKaraosman.

  • By
  • eneskaraosman


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Why do I need?

Common usage case;

Image you're getting data from a backend, your request succeded but it is just an empty list. Don't left user with a blank screen, or boring alerts.

Display Empty State - Medium Blog


For better understanding, please view Example project.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

But here below the main concept.

Usable in any UITableViewController, UICollectionViewController and UIViewController

class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
    lazy var emptyStateManager: EmptyStateManager = {
        let esv = EmptyStateView(
            messageText: "This is label belongs to empty state view that sits in UITableViewController's UITableView",
            titleText: "EmptyState Title",
            image: UIImage(named: "empty_state_image"),
            buttonText: "Button",
            centerYOffset: -100 // In case you want to move it to top, by default it is centered (offset = 0)
        esv.buttonAction = { _ in
            esv.messageText = "Button action works 👍🏻"
        let manager = EmptyStateManager(
            containerView: self.tableView,
            emptyView: esv,
            animationConfiguration: .init(animationType: .spring)
        return manager
    var dataSource = (1...50).map { _ in UIColor.random } {
        didSet {
    // dataSource is the dataSource of tableView

Same example valid for UICollectionView contentView,
If your content view is subclass of ICollectionView/UITableView
manager knows whether it hasContent, but in case you use pure UIView as contentView
then make sure you set hasContent manually.

manager.hasContent = {


EmptyStateManager has animationConfiguration parameter with default values.

struct AnimationConfiguration {
    let animationType: AnimationType     // .spring, .fromBottom, .fromLeft, .fromTop, .fromRight
    let animationDuration: TimeInterval
    let subItemDelayConstant: Double     // image, titleLabel, messageLabel, button. Except .spring animation
    let springDamping: CGFloat           // .spring animation case
    let initialVelocity: CGFloat
    let options: UIView.AnimationOptions

let manager = EmptyStateManager(
    containerView: ***,
    emptyView: ***,
    animationConfiguration: .init(animationType: .spring)


If you want to make your custom EmptyStateView
Just implement IEmptyStateView protocol in your custom UIView class.



SwiftEmptyState is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftEmptyState'


eneskaraosman, [email protected]


SwiftEmptyState is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.