Strapi-iOS 0.1.1

Strapi-iOS 0.1.1

Maintained by Ricardo Rauber Pereira.

  • By
  • Ricardo Rauber

Strapi iOS

This project was built to make it easier to connect your app to your Strapi backend, the open source Headless CMS Front-End Developers love, see more at




CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Strapi-iOS into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'Strapi-iOS'


Import Strapi-iOS

To use Strapi-iOS you just need to import the package:

import Strapi_iOS

Start the Service

To start the service, you need to specify your Strpi host in the Strapi instance. In a general usage, you will add this information at launch time, in the AppDelegate class:

import UIKit
import Strapi_iOS

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

	func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
		// Setup the shared Strapi instance
		let strapi = Strapi.shared
		strapi.scheme = "http" = "localhost"
		strapi.port = 1337
		return true

Default routes for Content Types

When you create a content type on Strapi, it will automatically generate a bunch of routes (REST APIs) for that content type, such as create records, read records, update records and destroy records. Sounds familiar? Yes, it has a full CRUD right away! This is one of the amazing things Strapi does. So, Strapi-iOS has all of those requests covered, please see below.

Let's say we have a content type named Restaurant with a Name and Price fields. Here are a few examples on how to integrate with it:

CreateRequest (POST)

To start or to grow our database, we can create some records:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = CreateRequest(
	contentType: "restaurant",
	parameters: [
		"name": "Super Pizza",
		"price": 3

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any],
		let id = record["id"] as? Int
		else {
	print("Created record with id: \(id)")

CountRequest (GET)

Let's say we want to know how many records we have in this content type, we can count them:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = CountRequest(contentType: "restaurant")

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let count = as? Int else {
	print("Total records: \(count)")

QueryRequest (GET)

Now what you want is to search for all restaurants with some filters and sorting:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = QueryRequest(contentType: "restaurant")
request.filter(by: "name", contains: "pizza")
request.filter(by: "price", greaterThanOrEqualTo: 3)
request.sort(by: "price")

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let list = as? [[String: Any]] else {
	print("Records found: \(list)")

FetchRequest (GET)

Sometimes we have just the id of a record and we need to get all its information. For that, we can fetch the record by the id:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = FetchRequest(
	contentType: "restaurant",
	id: 10

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Data retrieved: \(record)")

UpdateRequest (PUT)

Wrong price range? No problem, we can update the record:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = UpdateRequest(
	contentType: "restaurant",
	id: 10,
	parameters: [
		"price": 5

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Updated record: \(record)")

DestroyRequest (DELETE)

Oh dear, I loved that restaurant! I am sorry that you want to destroy it, but this is how you can do it:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = DestroyRequest(
	contentType: "restaurant",
	id: 10

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Destroyed record: \(record)")

Custom Request (?)

So you want to create your custom request because you have a custom route or just want to do it by yourself, here is how you can do it:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

let request = Request(
	method: "GET",
	contentType: "restaurants", // You can use any route here
	parameters: [
		"price_eq": 3

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let list = as? [[String: Any]] else {
	print("Data retrieved: \(list)")

Users - Permissions

Strapi comes with some amazing plugins and one of them is to manage users and permissions. Here are some cool methods we have for it.

User Registration

Right now, Strapi-iOS only works with the local provider for user registration. To do that, you can call it right from the Strapi instance:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

	username: "My name",
	email: "[email protected]",
	password: "VeryStrongPassword@2020") { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("New user: \(record)")


With the user confirmed, you can easily log in:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

	identifier: "[email protected]",
	password: "VeryStrongPassword@2020") { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Logged in user: \(record)")

Forgot Password

If you don't remember your password, here is how you can request an email to reset the password:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

strapi.forgotPassword(email: "[email protected]") { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Some data: \(record)")

Reset Password

After receiving the email with the code to reset the password, this is how you can reset it:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

	code: "somerandomcode",
	password: "EvenStrongerPassword@2020",
	passwordConfirmation: "EvenStrongerPassword@2020") { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Some data: \(record)")

Send Email Confirmation

Hmm, didn't receive the email confirmation? You can ask for it again with this:

let strapi = Strapi.shared

strapi.sendEmailConfirmation(email: "[email protected]") { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Some data: \(record)")


Now you just want to retrieve your own data (User), it is easy as well:

let strapi = Strapi.shared { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("My data: \(record)")

User Session

When you use the login method, it will automatically add the retrieved token on Strapi and it will add it on every request with the needAuthentication parameter set to true on the exec method.

If you have a persistent session, you are probably saving the token somewhere, so all you need to do is set the token property of the Strapi instance to add it on every request with needAuthentication = true.

let strapi = Strapi.shared
strapi.token = "Some_Token_Received_On_Login"


Another great plugin is Upload where you can upload files to your Strapi server and create a relation with your record. For instance, it's really easy to send an audio for a message in a chat app.

Data Upload

Let's upload a text file for a record:

let strapi = Strapi.shared
let text = "..."

	contentType: "about",
	id: 1,
	field: "terms",
	filename: "terms.txt",
	mimeType: "text/plain",
	fileData: .utf8)!,
	needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Some data: \(record)")

Image Upload

As we usually do a lot of image uploading, like updating your profile picture, we have a convenience method for that:

let strapi = Strapi.shared
let image = UIImage(...)

	contentType: "about",
	id: 1,
	field: "terms",
	image: image,
	compressionQuality: 90,
	needAuthentication: false) { response in
	guard let record = as? [String: Any] else {
	print("Some data: \(record)")

Error Handling

Yes, unfortunately errors can happen, but we can cover some of them. The response object has an error property that will be set when some non-content error happen, like a 500 status returned from the server, for instance. All you need to do is check it:

strapi.exec(request: request, needAuthentication: false) { response in
	if let error = response.error {
		// Oh no, something went wrong :(
	// Cool, no errors!


Strapi iOS is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.