Statistics 1.1

Statistics 1.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License BSD
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Stig Brautaset.

A stab at a very simple statistics class for Objective-C

Statistics is a Foundation framework for calculating—no points for guessing it—statistics. It is inspired by Perl's Statistics::Descriptive and like it consists of two main classes.

SBStatistics calculates a range of statistical measurements on the fly as each data point is added. The data is then immediately discarded, giving it a very low memory footprint.

SBFullStatistics in turn subclasses SBStatistics and records each data point. It is therefore able to provide more advanced statistical functions. The trade-off is that it can consume a lot of memory if you are collecting a lot of data.


pod 'Statistics'


Stig Brautaset
