Stackable 1.0.0

Stackable 1.0.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2020
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Shaun Ervine, Ronny Chan, Juan Reyes, Megan Efron.

Stackable 1.0.0

  • By
  • SEEK


iOS framework for laying out nested views vertically and horizontally.


We wanted to be able to layout variable height UITableViewCell's without paying a penalty in scrolling smoothness and without having to maintain frame layout code.

Why use stackable?

  • It's just frames
  • Get the performance of frame layout without lots of code
  • Declarative view expression makes for easy integration in code
  • Frames can be cached
  • Frames are immutable
  • Integration with various controls is extensible using protocol extensions
  • Interfaces with standard UIKit controls
  • Currently used by the SEEK iOS App for Search Results

What it's not

  • stackable is not a replacement for UIStackView
    • stackable is not meant to be dynamic like UIStackView, relying on immutable frames instead
    • Currently a number of features in UIStackView are not available in stackable such as alignment options but this will change over time
  • stackable is not based on AutoLayout
    • AutoLayout is powerful but difficult to tune for performance

Current Limitations

  • integration has only been verified with UILabel and UIImageView
  • no alignment options
  • no distribution options


let descriptionLabel = UILabel()
let attribute1 = UILabel()
let attribute2 = UILabel()
let attribute3 = UILabel()
let logoImageView = UIImageView()

let stack = VStack(spacing: 2) {[
  HStack(spacing: 10) {[
    VStack(spacing: 1) {[
    logoImageView.stackSize(100, 100)

let width = self.frame.size.width

// give me the frames
let stackedFrames = stack.framesForLayout(width)

// how tall is the stack?
let height = stack.heightForFrames(stackedFrames)

// lay the frames out