Sqlable 1.1.0

Sqlable 1.1.0

Maintained by Meniny.

Sqlable 1.1.0

Version Author Build Passing Swift
Platforms MIT
Cocoapods Carthage SPM

🏵 Introduction

Sqlable is a tiny library for ORM written in Swift.

📋 Requirements

  • iOS 8.0+
  • macOS 10.10+
  • tvOS 9.1+
  • watchOS 2.2+
  • Xcode 9.0+ with Swift 4.0+

📲 Installation

Sqlable is available on CocoaPods:

pod 'Sqlable'

❤️ Contribution

You are welcome to fork and submit pull requests.

🔖 License

Sqlable is open-sourced software, licensed under the MIT license.

💫 Usage

First, create a model:

struct User {
  var name: String

then, extend the model to confirm Sqlable protocol:

extension User: Sqlable {


and, we need to create the database columns:

extension User: Sqlable {
    // create your columns:

    static let id = SQLColumn("id", .integer, PrimaryKey(autoincrement: true))
    static let name = SQLColumn("name", .text)
    static var tableLayout: [SQLColumn] = [id, name]

    // implement there two functions:

    func valueForColumn(_ column: SQLColumn) -> SQLValue? {
        switch column {
        case User.name:
            return self.name
            return nil

    init(row: SQLReadRow) throws {
        name = try row.get(User.name)

now, get your database:

let doc = try FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
let database = try SQLiteDatabase.init(filepath: doc.appendingPathComponent("User.db").path)

create table if not exists:

try database.create(table: User.self)

do your work, let's insert for example:

try user.insert(into: database)


try User.query(in: database)