SpokestackTray-iOS 0.0.5

SpokestackTray-iOS 0.0.5

Maintained by Noel Weichbrodt.

  • By
  • Spokestack


A native iOS library for adding Spokestack to any iOS app.


Edit Podfile

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Spokestack into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SpokestackTray-iOS'

Edit Info.plist

Add the following to your Info.plist to enable permissions. Also ensure your iOS deployment target is set to 13.0.

Without these your app will crash

  <string>For making voice requests</string>
  <string>For understanding your voice requests</string>

Set the AudioSession category

For most apps, this should be put in AppDelegate.application

        do {
            let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
            try? session.setCategory(.playAndRecord, options: [.defaultToSpeaker, .allowAirPlay, .allowBluetoothA2DP, .allowBluetooth])
            try? session.setActive(true, options: [])


import SpokestackTray
import Spokestack

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.view.backgroundColor = .green
        /// Child view controller

        let configuration: TrayConfiguration = TrayConfiguration()
        /// When the tray is opened for the first time this is the synthesized
        /// greeting that will be "said" to the user

        configuration.greeting = """
        Welcome! This example uses models for Minecraft. Try saying, \"How do I make a castle?\"
        /// When the tray is listening or processing speech there is a animated gradient that
        /// sits on top of the tray. The default values are red, white and blue

        configuration.gradientColors = [

        /// Apart of the initialization of the tray is to download the nlu and wakeword models.
        /// These are the default Spokestack models, but you can replace with your own

        configuration.nluModelURLs = [
            NLUModelURLMetaDataKey: "https://d3dmqd7cy685il.cloudfront.net/nlu/production/shared/XtASJqxkO6UwefOzia-he2gnIMcBnR2UCF-VyaIy-OI/nlu.tflite",
            NLUModelURLNLUKey: "https://d3dmqd7cy685il.cloudfront.net/nlu/production/shared/XtASJqxkO6UwefOzia-he2gnIMcBnR2UCF-VyaIy-OI/vocab.txt",
            NLUModelURLVocabKey: "https://d3dmqd7cy685il.cloudfront.net/nlu/production/shared/XtASJqxkO6UwefOzia-he2gnIMcBnR2UCF-VyaIy-OI/metadata.json"
        configuration.wakewordModelURLs = [
            WakeWordModelDetectKey: "https://d3dmqd7cy685il.cloudfront.net/model/wake/spokestack/detect.tflite",
            WakeWordModelEncodeKey: "https://d3dmqd7cy685il.cloudfront.net/model/wake/spokestack/encode.tflite",
            WakeWordModelFilterKey: "https://d3dmqd7cy685il.cloudfront.net/model/wake/spokestack/filter.tflite"

        configuration.cliendId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
        configuration.clientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"
        /// The handleIntent callback is how the SpeechController and the TrayViewModel know if 
        /// NLUResult should be processed and what text should be added to the tableView.

        let greeting: IntentResult = IntentResult(node: InterntResultNode.greeting.rawValue, prompt: configuration.greeting)
        var lastNode: IntentResult = greeting

        configuration.handleIntent = {intent, slots, utterance in

            switch intent {
                case IntentResultAmazonType.repeat.rawValue:
                    return lastNode
                case IntentResultAmazonType.yes.rawValue:
                    lastNode = IntentResult(node: InterntResultNode.search.rawValue, prompt: "I heard you say yes! What would you like to make?")
                case IntentResultAmazonType.no.rawValue:
                    lastNode = IntentResult(node: InterntResultNode.exit.rawValue, prompt: "I heard you say no. Goodbye")
                case IntentResultAmazonType.stop.rawValue,
                    lastNode = IntentResult(node: InterntResultNode.exit.rawValue, prompt: "Goodbye!")
                case IntentResultAmazonType.recipe.rawValue:
                    if let whatToMakeSlot: Dictionary<String, Slot> = slots,
                       let slot: Slot = whatToMakeSlot["Item"],
                       let item: String = slot.value as? String {
                        lastNode = IntentResult(node: InterntResultNode.recipe.rawValue,
                                                prompt: """
                                                If I were a real app, I would show a screen now on how to make a \(item). Want to continue?
                case IntentResultAmazonType.help.rawValue:
                    lastNode = greeting
                    lastNode = greeting
            return lastNode
        /// Which NLUNodes should trigger the tray to close automatically

        configuration.exitNodes = [
        /// Callback when the tray is opened. The call back is called _after_ the animation has finished
        configuration.onOpen = {
        /// Callback when the tray is closed. The call back is called _after_ the animation has finished
        configuration.onClose = {
        /// Callback when a `TrayListenerType` has occured
        configuration.onEvent = {event in
            LogController.shared.log("onEvent \(event)")
        let tray: SpokestackTrayViewController = SpokestackTrayViewController(self, configuration: configuration)


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.


Spokestack Functions

These public methods from the SpokestackTray library


Tell Spokestack to start listening.

This starts the speech pipeline by first checking to make sure that the NLU / Wakeword models have been downloaded and the necessary permissions have been granted before activating the pipeline.


Tell Spokestack to stop listening


Adds the SpokestackTrayViewController to the parent view controller's view


Stops the speechpipeline and removes the SpokestackTrayViewController from the parent view controller's view