Splime 1.0.1

Splime 1.0.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by remi robert.

Splime 1.0.1

Splime, is a tool, lets you to split a video into frames. It allows you to collect some informations about the video itself, in the same time. Splime use AVFoundation framework.

Usage 🛠

Splime, return you a completion block : (images: [UIImage]) -> (), to let’s you get the splited frames. And also an optional progress block : ((progress: Float) -> ())?, to follows the progress of the spliter.

videoSpliter = Splime(url: stringPath)
videoSpliter.split({ (images) -> () in
    //use the [UIImage], images frames            
  }, progressBlock: { (progress) -> () in
    print("current progress : [\(progress)]")

Video informations 📊

Splime gathers some informations relative to the video. Splime can also be used for that usage. You can collect, the total number of frames in the video, the total duration (in second), the time per frame, and so on. When you init a new Splime object with a valid video’s URL, or set a new URL, Splime with fill a struct with all that informations. All this informations, are read-only for safety ⚠️, because they are used in the split method.

videoSpliter = Splime(url: stringPath)
//Informations collected

videoSpliter.url = stringPath2
//new Informations collected

//get informations:

Configuration ⚙

Splime gives you the ability to configure the way you want to separate frames. You can specifie:

  • A time interval, for example split from 4 sec to 15 sec, of the video.
  • A number of maximal amount of frames you want (I want 60 frames at the maximal, and no matter what !!)
  • The number of frames per interval. For example I want to take a frame every 10.
//For the time interval, CMTime is used, to let you use, a very high precision.
//You can use the same timeScale as the video, avalaible in the video information.
//Split the frames from the 4 secondes, to the 10 secondes.
videoSpliter.startInterval = CMTimeMake(4, videoSpliter.assetInformations.timeScale)
videoSpliter.endInterval = CMTimeMake(10, videoSpliter.assetInformations.timeScale)

//Keep only one frame, every 5.
videoSpliter.everyFrames = 5

//Keep only 35 maximum frames.
//Can be used to limit the memory usage, if the video can.
videoSpliter.totalFrames = 35