SliceControl 1.3.0

SliceControl 1.3.0

Maintained by Pedro Carrasco.

Slice (/slɑɪs/), noun

"A slice is any small part that has been separated from something larger"

CocoaPods apm

Usage Example ⌨️

After installing SliceControl, you should start by importing the framework:

import SliceControl

Once imported, you can start using SliceControl like follows:

sliceControl = SliceControl(with: ["All", "Liked", "Favourited"],
                            primaryColor: .darkGray,
                            secondaryColor: .white,
                            padding: 12)

// Implement SliceControlDelegate to intercept actions
sliceControl.delegate = self

// ... Constrain it

You can also set its UIFont and starting option.

Instalation 📦

SliceControl is available through CocoaPods. In order to install, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SliceControl'

And run the following command in terminal:

pod install

Sample Project 📲

There's a sample project in this repository called Example.

Contributing 🙌

Feel free to contribute to this project by providing ideas or opening pull requests.

License ⛔

Fluky's available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.