SendGrid 0.3.0

SendGrid 0.3.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Kunal Batra, Heitor Tashiro Sergent.

Depends on:
AFNetworking~> 2.0

SendGrid 0.3.0

  • By
  • Kunal Batra and Heitor Tashiro Sergent


This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid using Objective-C.

Important: This library requires AFNetworking 2.0 or higher.

SendGrid *sendgrid = [SendGrid apiUser:@"username" apiKey:@"password"];   

SendGridEmail *email = [[SendGridEmail alloc] init]; = @"[email protected]";
email.from = @"[email protected]";
email.subject = @"Hello World";   
email.html = @"<h1>My first email through SendGrid</h1>";
email.text = @"My first email through SendGrid";

[sendgrid sendWithWeb:email];


Choose your installation method - CocoaPods (recommended) or source.


platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'SendGrid', '~>  0.2.6'

Run the following in the command line:

pod install

Be sure to open up the .xcworkspace file now instead of the .xcodeproj file.

Then import the library - in the file appropriate to your project.

import <SendGrid/SendGrid.h>

Alternative installation

Install via Source

1. Clone this repository.
2. Copy SendGrid.h and .m files to your project.
3. Clone the [SMTPAPI repository](
4. Copy SMTPAPI.h and .m files to your project.
5. Import SendGrid.h in the file appropriate to your project, and AFNetworking in your project.

Demo App

There's a demo app on the Github repository, inside the folder "Demo". It's a simple application that lets you send an email, with an Image Picker if you want to send a picture attachment with it.

To run the demo, clone the repository (it's not available when you install via CocoaPods), open the terminal and go to the demo folder. Then do:

pod install
open Demo.xcworkspace


To begin using this library, import the library into your project.

#import <SendGrid/SendGrid.h>
#import <SendGrid/SendGridEmail.h>

Create a new SendGrid object with your SendGrid credentials.

SendGrid *sendgrid = [SendGrid apiUser:@"username" apiKey:@"password"];

Create a new SendGridEmail object, and customize the parameters of your message.

SendGridEmail *email = [[SendGridEmail alloc] init]; = @"[email protected]";
email.from = @"[email protected]";
email.subject = @"Hello World";   
email.html = @"<h1>My first email through SendGrid</h1>";
email.text = @"My first email through SendGrid";

Send it.

[sendgrid sendWithWeb:email];


[email addTo:@"[email protected]"];
// or
[email setTos:@[@"[email protected]"]];


[email setFrom:@"[email protected]"];

From Name

[email setFromName:@"Other Dude"];

Reply To

[email setReplyTo:@"[email protected]"];


[email setSubject:@"Hello World"];


[email setText:@"This is some text of the email."];


[email setHtml:@"<h1>My first email through SendGrid"];

Adding an image attachment

You can add an image attachment to your email message. The method accepts a UIImage.


Displaying attached image inline

email.inlinePhoto = true;
email.html = @"<img src =\"cid:image0.png\"><h1>hello world</h1>";


This library uses the SMTPAPI object which is found in SMTPAPI-iOS.


[header addSubstitution:@"key" val:@"value"];

NSMutableDictionary *subs = [header getSubstitutions];

Unique Arguments

[header addUniqueArg:@"key" val:@"value"];
// or
NSMutableDictionary *uniqueArgs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[uniqueArgs setObject:@"value" forKey:@"unique"];
[header setUniqueArgs:uniqueArgs];

NSMutableDictionary *args = [header getUniqueArgs];

### [Categories](

[header addCategory:@"category"];
// or
[header addCategories:@[@"category1", @"category2"]];
// or
[header setCategories:@[@"category1", @"category2"]];

NSMutableArray *cats = [header getCategories];


[header addSection:@"key" val:@"section"];
// or
NSMutableDictionary *newSec = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[newSec setObject:@"value" forKey:@"-section-"];
[header setSections:newSec];

NSMutableDictionary *sections = [header getSections];


[header addFilter:@"filter" setting:@"setting" val:@"value"];
[header addFilter:@"filter" settings:@"setting" val:1];

NSMutableDictionary *filters = [header getFilters];

Get Headers

[header configureHeader];
NSString *headers = header.encodedHeader;


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Licensed under the MIT License.