Segment-Nielsen-DTVR 0.0.6

Segment-Nielsen-DTVR 0.0.6

Maintained by Brennan Gamwell, Brienne McNally, Gabriel Samson.

Segment Nielsen DTVR Integration


The Nielsen App SDK as of version is compatible with iOS 8.0 and above.

The Segment-Nielsen DTVR SDK is available on CocoaPods. Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Segment-Nielsen-DTVR"

The integration relies on the Nielsen App SDK framework, which can either be installed via CocoaPods or by manually adding the framework. You will need to have a Nielsen representative before getting started.


When using the Nielsen SDK version and above, Nielsen recommends installation via CocoaPods, and Apple recommends using the dynamic framework.

Requirements for CocoaPods: Dynamic Framework - version 1.6.1 or higher Static Framework - version 1.4.0 or higher

  1. Set repository credentials The first step is to add the credentials received from Nielsen into your .netrc file. Navigate to your home folder and create a file called .netrc
cd ~/
vi .netrc

Add the credentials in the following format:

login <Nielsen App SDK client>
password <Auth token>

You will need to fill out a license agreement form and have the contact information for your Nielsen representative in order to obtain the credentials here

  1. Add the source to your Podfile: Dynamic Framework - source '' Note - you will also need to include use_frameworks!

Static Framework - source ''

  1. Add the pod to your Podfile:

pod NielsenAppSDK

There are several other pods available, and can be found in the Nielsen Digital Measurement iOS Artifactory Guide

  1. Install pods

pod install

The full instructions from Nielsen can be found here


Navigate to the Nielsen Downloads page to download the iOS SDK. You will need to fill out a license agreement form and have the contact information for your Nielsen representative ready.

Once extracted, add the static NielsenAppApi.framework to the project and ensure it's in the Frameworks folder, and that it is linked.

Nielsen also requires the following frameworks, which must be included into Link Binary with Libraries (within app target’s Build Phases) - NOTE - if using the dynamic framework, these will dynamically be linked and there is no need to manually link these.

  • AdSupport.framework
  • SystemConfiguration.framework
  • CoreLocation.framework (Not applicable for International (Germany))
  • libsqlite3


Register the factory with the Segment SDK in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your AppDelegate:

#import <Segment-Nielsen-DTVR/SEGNielsenDTVRIntegrationFactory.h>

NSString *const SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY = @" ... ";
SEGAnalyticsConfiguration *config = [SEGAnalyticsConfiguration configurationWithWriteKey:SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY];

[config use:[SEGNielsenDTVRIntegrationFactory instance]];

[SEGAnalytics setupWithConfiguration:config];


See the example application under Example/ for a demonstration of integration with the Nielsen App SDK and Segment-Nielsen DTVR Integration with a sample custom video player.


Segment-Nielsen DTVR is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.