SSExpandableSwipeUpView is a library for iOS developers, written in Swift. It resembles iPhone notification tray, also known as the Notification Center, is a centralized hub designed to provide users with a quick and organized overview of their incoming alerts, messages, and updates. Accessible by swiping down from the top edge of the screen, the notification tray displays a chronological list of notifications from various apps and system events. The library offers a wide range of customizable options. SSExpandableSwipeUpView is simple to integrate into your existing projects and offers excellent performance, making it an essential tool for any iOS developer contributing to a seamless and personalized user experience.
- Group stack view like notification control center
- Clear all and remove options
- Expand and collapse views
- Fully customizable
- CocoaPods

- iOS 16
- Xcode 14
You can use CocoaPods to install SSExpandableSwipeUpView by adding it to your Podfile:
use_frameworks! pod 'SSExpandableSwipeUpView'
import UIKit import SSExpandableSwipeUpView
Swift Package Manager
When using Xcode 11 or later, you can install SSExpandableSwipeUpView by going to your Project settings > Swift Packages and add the repository by providing the GitHub URL. Alternatively, you can go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependencies...
import SSExpandableSwipeUpView
- Add SSExpandableSwipeView folder from /Sources folder to your project.
var viewModel = SectionContentsViewModel()
init() {
private func setupViewModel() {
let gPayContents = [
SwipeViewContent(appImageName: "googlePay", title: "Payment Received", subtitle: "Alex, You have received $10M in your account!", createdDate: Date()),
SwipeViewContent(appImageName: "googlePay", title: "Payment Received", subtitle: "Alex, You have received $5M in your account!", createdDate: Date())]
let teamsContents = [
SwipeViewContent(appImageName: "teams", title: "Gotham Steve", subtitle: "Hey, Alex", createdDate: Date()),
SwipeViewContent(appImageName: "teams", title: "Gotham Steve", subtitle: "What is the progress?", createdDate: Date()),
SwipeViewContent(appImageName: "teams", title: "Gotham Steve", subtitle: "Are you on timeline?", createdDate: Date())]
viewModel.addSection(title: "Google Pay", isExpanded: true, swipeViewContents: gPayContents)
viewModel.addSection(title: "Teams", isExpanded: true, swipeViewContents: teamsContents)
var body: some View {
SSExpandableSwipeUpView(viewModel: viewModel, backgroundWallpaper: Image("wallpaper"))
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MIT License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details