SRProximityRecord 0.0.4

SRProximityRecord 0.0.4

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2015
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Stephen Radford.

  • By
  • Stephen Radford


SRProximityRecord is a small class and delegate to record video (or audio) by covering the proximity sensor. It’s based on the idea used by Beme.

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Used SRProximityRecord in a project? Let me know @steve228uk


Swift 2.0 — Currently this requires the latest Xcode Beta. It could probably be converted down to 1.2 very easily.


Installation can be done via CocoaPods or manually.


Clone the repo into your project and manually assign the Target Membership to your target

Target Membership


Using SRProximityRecord is easy and you only need to call the shared instance once to get it all working.

let SRP = SRProximityRecord.sharedInstance
SRP.delegate = self

Requesting permissions will request access to camera, microphone and photo library.

Setting the delegate will allow you to use the methods outlined below.

If you’re using CocoaPods, make sure your import the module into your classes using import SRProximityRecord


There are a few public methods that you can use.

Method Description
requestPermissions() Request permissions for camera, microphone and photo library if we need to
startRecording() Start recording audio/video
stopRecording() Stop recording audio/video


There are a number of properties that can be overriden to change the default behaviour of SRProximityRecord.

Property Type Description
startRecordingAutomatically Bool By default recording will be started automatically when the proximity sensor is covered. If you’d like to do this manually to say show an interim screen, change this to false.
captureDevice AVCaptureDevice Reference to the back camera or nil if the device used doesn’t have a camera.
audioDevice AVCaptureDevice Reference to the microphone or nil if the device used doesn’t have a microphone.
captureOutput AVCaptureOutput The output type. This can be video, image or audio. By default it’s AVCaptureMovieFileOutput
outputPath String Path to where the output file will be recorded.
autoSave Bool If you want to automatically save the temporary file to the camera roll. Default is true.
delegate SRProximityRecordDelegate Optional delegate
sharedInstance SRProximityRecord Static reference to an instance of the class


The delegate bundled with SRProximityRecord has 3 (optional) methods that are called when various events occur.

Method Description
proximityChanged(sensorEnabled:) Called when the proximity state of the device has changed. The proximityState is passed to the delegate method as a Bool
recordingStarted() Called when the recording has started
recordingStopped() Called when the recording has stopped
photoPermissionChanged(status:) Called when the photo permission has changed