SRGModelEvent 0.0.2

SRGModelEvent 0.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2015

Maintained by Norihiro Sakamoto.

  • By
  • Norihiro Sakamoto

SRGModelEvent is thin wrapper library of NSNotification to observe/notify your model more easily.


Add the following line to your podfile and run pod update.

pod 'SRGModelEvent', :git => '', :tag => '0.0.1'


At first you need to include header file.

#import "SRGEventDateRecorder.h"

Simple usage for SRGModelEvent.

// Create isntance for manage event for "User Model".
SRGModelEvent *userEvent = [SRGModelEvent eventWithKey:@"user"];

// You can observe event with event-name as string value. ( ex. "login" )
SRGModelEventObserver *loginObserver = [userEvent observe:@"login" handler:^(NSDictionary *data){
    // This blocks run when event is notified.

// You can notify in your model.
[userEvent notify:@"login"];

// You can stopObserving if needed.
[loginObserver stopObserving];

And you can observe/notify event with custom data.

// You can notify event with data.
[userEvent notify:@"login" data:@{
    @"login_date" : [NSDate date]

// You can observe event with data.
[userEvent observe:@"login" handler:^(NSDictionary *data){
    NSDate *loginDate = data[@"login_date"];
    // do something