TestsTested | ✗ |
LangLanguage | SwiftSwift |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Sep 2015 |
SPMSupports SPM | ✗ |
Maintained by Stephen Radford.
A quick and dirty form validator in Swift. Inspired by Laravel
First, import SRFormValidator
where you need it.
import SRFormValidator
Next, write your rules as a Dictionary. The key should be a keyPath to your field's values and the rules should be your dictionary's value. As it fetches the value using key path you can use variables or dictionaries freely. Below is an example using several rules and two dictionaries.
let rules = [
"personalDetails.emailAddress": "required|email",
"personalDetails.firstName": "required",
"personalDetails.lastName": "required",
"personalDetails.phone": "required|min:10|max:30",
"shippingDetails.address": "required",
"shippingDetails.city": "required",
"shippingDetails.state": "required",
"shippingDetails.zipCode": "required|alhanumeric|max:10"
You can validate your rules with the isValid
class method. It'll return the fields that are erroring in an array or nil if the fields are valid.
let errors = SRFormValidator.isValid(rules, self)
if(errors != nil) {
There are currently 5 rules that can be used to validate your fields. Multiple rules can be used in tandem when separated with a |
. Some rules use a :
to include arguments.
Rule | Effect |
required |
Checks if the field is nil or a blank string. |
email |
Checks if the field is a valid email address using regex. |
alphanumeric |
Checks if the field only contains a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 using regex. |
min:10 |
Checks if the the field has a character length minimum to the value set or if an integer whether the value is >= to the rule. |
max:10 |
Checks if the the field has a character length maximum to the value set or if an integer whether the value is <= to the rule. |