SKJProgressHUD 0.1.0

SKJProgressHUD 0.1.0

Maintained by Sahi K Joshi.

  • By
  • sahijoshi


CI Status Version License Platform

SKJProgressHUD is a light-weight, highly customizable progress HUD for iOS projects. It has been written based on Singleton Design Pattern.



  • Supported build target - iOS 11+
  • Xcode 9 or later
  • Supported language Swift 3


SKJProgressHUD is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SKJProgressHUD'


SKJProgressHUD is created as a Singleton. So, you don't need to explicitly allocate or instantiate. You can just call methods of SKJProgressHUD as SKJProgressHUD.someMethod.

Show SKJProgressHUD

You can show progress hud with or without status. You can explicitly choose background color and provide mask type. "Loading...", style: .gray, mask: .dark)

The alert message can also be shown providing delay time to dismiss the progress hud. The alert message can be shown with or without options button. The usage of closure makes the code clean and easier to handle the action returned after tapping option buttons.

SKJProgressHUD.showAlertMessage(withTitle: "Title", message: "messages", delay: 3, mask: .dark) SKJProgressHUD.showAlertMessageWithOptions(message: "Are you sure you want to log out?", maskType:.dark, okAction: { (ok) in
            // ok action
            if ok {
                print("perform action after ok")
        }) { (cancel) in
            // close action
            if cancel {
                print("perform action after cancel")

You can show progress of certain events by displaying progress bar.

SKJProgressHUD.showProgressBar("Downloading", totalCount: 10000, mask: .dark)

// Simple example to assign progress of progress bar .background).async {
            for progress in 1...10000 {
                DispatchQueue.main.sync {
                    SKJProgressHUD.sharedInstance.progressValue = progress

Dismiss SKJProgressHUD

To dismiss progress hud. Just call



SKJProgressHUD is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.