SKCountryPicker 4.0.0

SKCountryPicker 4.0.0

Maintained by CountryPicker.

  • By
  • SuryaKant Sharma



Awesome Travis CI codecov Version Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible License

A simple, customizable Country picker for picking country or dialing code.

This library is for country picker used in many app for selecting country code of user. User can select country by searching and then selecting country in list.

If you like CountryPicker, give it a ★ at the top right of this page.


  • Navigate through search and index title of section e.g (in Contact app in iOS)
  • Auto scroll to previous selected country
  • Filtering country options
  • Styling view options
  • Image size are optimized
  • Cocoa Pods integrated
  • Carthage integrated
  • Swift package manager integrated
  • Best practices followed
  • Dark mode supported in iOS 13
  • Support Dynamic font size for ContentSizeCategory
  • Unit tests coverage 94%
  • Picker view support added with customization
  • Swift UI Support with example project


  • iOS 11.0+ Support latest release iOS 16
  • latest Xcode 14.x with Swift

Demo Project

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod update from the Example directory first.


Home Scene Country Picker Scene Filtering Scene Dark Mode Scene Picker View


CountryPicker is available through Cocoapods and Carthage.


Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SKCountryPicker'

Current version compatible with Swift 5. If you want support Swift 4.1/3.3

pod 'SKCountryPicker' '~> 2.0.0'


The steps required to use Carthage for dependency management are described here but lets add them to this README as well for good measure.

First you need to add the following line to your Cartfile

github "SURYAKANTSHARMA/CountryPicker"

to include the latest version of CountryPicker.

(if you don't have a Cartfile, you need to create one first in your favorite texteditor)

Next run

carthage update --platform iOS

This will have Carthage:

  • Fetch the source code for CountryPicker from Github
  • Compile the source code into a framework for you to use

once Carthage finishes building, you need to add the framework to your project.

In Xcode:

  • Navigate to the "General" tab of your project and tap the plus sign under "Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content"
  • Select "Add other" and locate the Carthage folder (typically in the root of your project)
  • The SKCountryPicker.framework is located under Carthage/Build/iOS/
  • Select it and verify that it is added as a framework.

The final step is to add the copy-frameworks build script to your "Build Phases".

  • Navigate to "Build Phases" and tap the + at the top.
  • Select "New Run Script Phase"
  • Paste this line as the script to run /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
  • Add the SKCountryPicker.framework under Input Files like so: $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/SKCountryPicker.framework



Add the following line to your Package.swift file in the dependencies section:

.package(url: ", from "1.2.7")

Getting Started

Example: Please check example project for customization and different option available.

    func presentCountryPickerScene(withSelectionControlEnabled selectionControlEnabled: Bool = true) {
        switch selectionControlEnabled {
        case true:
            // Present country picker with `Section Control` enabled
            CountryPickerWithSectionViewController.presentController(on: self, configuration: { countryController in
                countryController.configuration.flagStyle = .circular
                countryController.configuration.isCountryFlagHidden = !showCountryFlagSwitch.isOn
                countryController.configuration.isCountryDialHidden = !showDialingCodeSwitch.isOn
                countryController.favoriteCountriesLocaleIdentifiers = ["IN", "US"]

            }) { [weak self] country in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                self.countryImageView.isHidden = false
                self.countryImageView.image = country.flag
                self.countryCodeButton.setTitle(country.dialingCode, for: .normal)
        case false:
            // Present country picker without `Section Control` enabled
            CountryPickerController.presentController(on: self, configuration: { countryController in
                countryController.configuration.flagStyle = .corner
                countryController.configuration.isCountryFlagHidden = !showCountryFlagSwitch.isOn
                countryController.configuration.isCountryDialHidden = !showDialingCodeSwitch.isOn
                countryController.favoriteCountriesLocaleIdentifiers = ["IN", "US"]

            }) { [weak self] country in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                self.countryImageView.isHidden = false
                self.countryImageView.image = country.flag
                self.countryCodeButton.setTitle(country.dialingCode, for: .normal)

Filter Options

There are 3 main filter options countryName, countryCode, countryDialCode and by default country picker has been configured to filter countries based on countryName.

If you want to add/remove filter options, do as follows:

 // Adding filter

 // Removing filter

 // Removing all filters

Incase you want to retrieve country info

// Get country based on digit code e.g: 60, +255 "255")

// Get country based on country name "Tanzania")

// Get country based on country code e.g: MY, TZ "MY")

Styling Options

There are few styling options provided by the library such auto-hiding or styling views.

CountryPickerWithSectionViewController.presentController(on: self, configuration: { controller in
    // Styling country flag image view
    controller.configuration.flagStyle = .circular 
    // Hide flag image view
    controller.configuration.isCountryFlagHidden = true
    // Hide country dial code
    controller.configuration.isCountryDialHidden = true

Dependency Graph

Dependecy graph


Any contribution making project better is welcome.


*Suryakant Sharma

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. Thanks from bottom of my heart to inspiration behind Hardeep Singh


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details