SHRichTextEditorTools 5.1.6

SHRichTextEditorTools 5.1.6

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jan 2021
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by hsusmita.

  • By
  • Susmita Horrow

#SHRichTextEditorTools This is a collection of extensions which are helpful in building a rich text editor.


You can use the basic setup and create your own editor, then add following lines in your pod file
pod 'SHRichTextEditorTools/Core', '~> 4.0.7'

If you want to use preconfigured text editor, you have to add the following lines in your pod file pod 'SHRichTextEditorTools/SHRichTextEditor', '~> 4.0.7'



This library includes a basic editor SHRichTextEditor which includes basic functionalities like Bold, Italic and Indentation features.

let textEditor = SHRichTextEditor(textView: self.textView)
textEditor.toolBarItems = [textEditor.boldBarItem(), textEditor.italicBarItem(), textEditor.indentationBarItem()]

Custom TintColor

let textEditor = SHRichTextEditor(textView: self.textView, defaultTintColor: UIColor.gray, selectedTintColor:

Customize bar button

let boldBarItem = self.textEditor.boldBarItem(type: .title(title: "Button")) { (button, selected) in
	button.barButtonItem.tintColor = selected ? UIColor.gray :
self.textEditor.toolBarItems = [boldBarItem]

Here type is defined by the following enum

public enum ButtonType {
	case title(title: String)
	case attributed(title: String, attributes: [UIControlState.RawValue: [NSAttributedStringKey : Any]])
	case image(image: UIImage)