SHBerooz 0.1.0

SHBerooz 0.1.0

Maintained by Shahin Katebi.

SHBerooz 0.1.0

  • By
  • shaahin


CI Status Version License Platform

What it does?

SHBerooz makes checking for updates and notifying the user about new versions of the app easier. It also features forceUpdate mode which does not allow the user to proceed unless update their current app. The update checks are in a custom regular basis which is managed automatically.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


SHBerooz is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SHBerooz'


Create your custom configurations and set it as SHBerooz shared instance default config in your AppDelegate or somewhere before using SHBerooz.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Configuring SHBerooz
        var config = BeroozConfigurations()
        config.updateUrl = URL(string: "")
        // Title for presenting alert controller.
        config.alertTitle = "SHBerooz"
        // Retry button title
        config.retryButtonTitle = "Retry"
        // Update button title
        config.updateButtonTitle = "Update"
        // Cancel button title
        config.cancelButtonTitle = "Cancel"
        // Connection error alert message
        config.connectionErrorMessage = "Cannot receive update information :/"
        // Update check frequency, in days
        config.checkForUpdateFrequency = 7
        // set default configurations
        SHBerooz.shared.config = config
        return true

Then use the function checkForUpdates on SHBerooz shared instance to check for update. Then use the completion handler with UpdateCheckStatus enum to receive the result for processing.

SHBerooz.shared.checkForUpdates(withAlert: true) { (result) in
                var canProceed = false
                case .wrongConfigs:
                    print("config error")
                case .updateCheckNotNeeded:
                    canProceed = true
                case .appVersionIsCurrent:
                    canProceed = true
                case .failedToCheck(let error):
                    print("Connection error :( \(String.init(describing: error))")
                case .failedToParse(let error):
                    print("Parsing error :( \(String.init(describing: error))")
                case .newVersionAvailable(let updateObject, let proceed):
                    canProceed = proceed
                // now we proceed if the app is updated OR the needed update is not forced.
                if canProceed {
                    // Your app can proceed.
                }else {
                    // Show some errors.


Shahin Katebi, [email protected]


SHBerooz is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.