RxWifi 0.0.5

RxWifi 0.0.5

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2018
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Tomas Friml.

RxWifi 0.0.5

  • By
  • 3ph


CI Status Version License Platform Swift

RxWifi is reactive wrapper for Wi-Fi functionality on iOS. It allows you to connect to Wi-Fi network from your app and you can also observe various Wi-Fi changes:

  • Wi-Fi is enabled on the system level
  • Wi-Fi is connected to an AP
  • Current connected SSID
  • Current IPv4 address
  • Current IPv6 address


You can simply access the RxWifi by calling RxWifi.shared.

Generic properties

  • isEnabled - flag determining if the Wi-Fi is turned on in the system settings.
  • isConnected - flag determining if the system is currently connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • connectedSsid - name of the currently connected SSID (or nil if not connected).
  • ipv4 - IPv4 address (or nil if not connected).
  • ipv6 - IPv6 address (or nil if not connected).
  • securityType - type of security of the network you want to connect to (.wep, .wpa, .eap (not supported yet)). Default .wpa.
  • persistConfiguration - flag determining if the Wi-Fi configuration should be persisted after app finishes. Default false.
  • changeDetectionTimeInterval - how often will the RxWifi poll for changes. Default is 0.5.


  • connect(ssid,password) Tries to connect to Wi-Fi network with provided credentials. Uses NetworkExtensions framework to connect (you won't be able to connect in Simulator). Returns Observable<ResultType> with either .success or .failure (with error).

Rx observables

RxWifi also provides observables accessible through rx struct:

  • isConnectedChanged - linked to isConnected property, changes checked every changeDetectionTimeInterval interval.
  • isEnabledChanged - linked to isEnabled property, changes checked every changeDetectionTimeInterval interval.
  • ssidChanged - linked to connectedSsid property, changes checked every changeDetectionTimeInterval interval.
  • ipv4Changed - linked to ipv4 property, changes checked every changeDetectionTimeInterval interval.
  • ipv6Changed - linked to ipv6 property, changes checked every changeDetectionTimeInterval interval.


To run the example project, run pod try RxWifi.

Please note that the connect(:) method won't work Simulator since it depends on the NetworkExtensions framework. I've added IOS_SIMULATOR flag so you can at least build for Simulator.


Uses RxSwift framework. You also need to enable Hotspot configuration capability for your app.


RxWifi is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RxWifi'


Tomas Friml, [email protected]


RxWifi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.