RxBehaviorTester 0.1.0

RxBehaviorTester 0.1.0

Maintained by Eliran Ben-Ezra.

Depends on:
RxSwift~> 4.0
RxBlocking~> 4.0

  • By
  • Eliran Ben-Ezra


CI Status Version License Platform Maintainability codecov

Rx Behavior Testing by stream pattern matching and assertions

Testing an observable

struct State {
  var isLoading: Bool
  var isSaveEnabled: Bool
  var name: String

let observable: Observable<State> = ...

let decision = testBehavior(of: observable) { dsl in 
  dsl.match { $0.isLoading == false }
  dsl.assert(.always) { $0.isLoading == false }
  dsl.match { $0.name == "Updated Name" }
  dsl.match { $0.isSaveEnabled == true }
  dsl.run(.async) { triggerSaving() }
  dsl.match { $0.isSaveEnabled == false }

// Decision will be
//  .correct: If no assertions failed and all match clauses matched
//  .failed: If any assetions failed or observable completes or times out without matching


Predicate matcher

  dsl.match { state in 

Always assertion

  dsl.assert(.always) { state in

Assertion is checked from the point of definition until the test completes

Bounded assertion

  dsl.assert(.untilNextMatch) { state in

Only evaluates the assertion until the next matcher after that the assertion is not checked

Unordered scope

  dsl.unordered {
    dsl...  // matchers/assertions or other scopes

Completes when all of the matchers return a result in any order

First scope

  dsl.first {
    dsl... // matchers/assertions or other scopes

Completes when any of the matchers or assertions returns a result (.correct or .failed)


  • Swift 4.2
  • RxSwift 4


RxBehaviorTester is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RxBehaviorTester'


Eliran Ben-Ezra, [email protected]


RxBehaviorTester is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.