Rudder-Amplitude 1.2.0

Rudder-Amplitude 1.2.0

Maintained by RudderStack.

Depends on:
Rudder~> 1.12
Amplitude= 8.19.2

  • By
  • RudderStack

What is RudderStack?

RudderStack is a customer data pipeline tool for collecting, routing and processing data from your websites, apps, cloud tools, and data warehouse.

More information on RudderStack can be found here.

Integrating Amplitude with RudderStack's iOS SDK

  1. Add Amplitude as a destination in the RudderStack dashboard and define all the fields.

  2. Rudder-Amplitude is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Rudder-Amplitude'

Initialize RudderClient

Put this code in your AppDelegate.m file under the method didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

RSConfigBuilder *builder = [[RSConfigBuilder alloc] init];
[builder withDataPlaneUrl:DATA_PLANE_URL];
[builder withFactory:[RudderAmplitudeFactory instance]];
[RSClient getInstance:WRITE_KEY config:[builder build]];

Add the below logic just after initalizing RudderClient in AppDelegate.m if you would like to send IDFA of iOS device as device id to Amplitude

[Amplitude instance].adSupportBlock = ^{
return [[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier];

Then, add the below logic if you would like to track location (latitude, longitude)

[Amplitude instance].locationInfoBlock = ^{
        return @{
                  @"lat" : @37.7,
                  @"lng" : @122.4

Send Events

Follow the steps from RudderStack iOS SDK.

Contact Us

If you come across any issues while configuring or using this integration, feel free to start a conversation on our Slack channel. We will be happy to help you.