TestsTested | ✓ |
LangLanguage | Obj-CObjective C |
License | MIT |
ReleasedLast Release | Dec 2014 |
Maintained by Michal Konturek.
Source code of this project is available under the standard MIT license. Please see the license file.
Ports Ruby syntactic sugar to Objective-C.
id numbers = @[@0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5];
id result = numbers[@"1..4"];
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
result = numbers[@"1...4"];
// 2, 3]
result = [@[@1, @2]:@[@3, @4]];
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
result = [@[@1, @2]:@3];
// [1, 2, 3]
[@3 rs_timesWithIndex:^(NSInteger index) {
NSLog(@"Line #%i", index);
// Line #0
// Line #1
// Line #2
result = @"Vexilla regis."[1];
// e
result = @"Vexilla regis."[@"1..6"];
// exilla
result = @"Vexilla regis."[@"1...6"];
// xill
result = [[[@"Number " :@10] :@" is greater than "] :@5];
// Number 10 is greater than 5.
result = [@"Hello" rs_chars];
// ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
- (instancetype):(id)object;
- (instancetype):(NSInteger)from :(NSInteger)to;
- (instancetype):(NSInteger)from :(NSInteger)to exclusive:(BOOL)exclusive;
- (instancetype)rs_clear;
- (instancetype)rs_combination:(NSInteger)n;
- (instancetype)rs_compact;
- (instancetype)rs_delete:(id)object;
- (instancetype)rs_deleteAt:(NSInteger)index;
- (id)rs_deleteIf:(BOOL(^)(id item))block;
- (instancetype)rs_drop:(NSInteger)count;
- (id)rs_dropWhile:(BOOL(^)(id item))block;
- (void)rs_each:(void (^)(id item))block;
- (id)rs_fetch:(NSUInteger)index;
- (instancetype)rs_fill:(id)object;
- (instancetype)rs_fill:(id)object withRange:(NSRange)range;
- (instancetype)rs_flatten;
- (instancetype)rs_flatten:(NSInteger)level;
- (BOOL)rs_includes:(id)object;
- (id)rs_inject:(id (^)(id accumulator, id item))block;
- (id)rs_inject:(id)initial withBlock:(id (^)(id accumulator, id item))block;
- (BOOL)rs_isEmpty;
- (NSString *)rs_join;
- (NSString *)rs_join:(NSString *)separator;
- (instancetype)rs_map:(id (^)(id item))block;
- (instancetype)rs_permutation;
- (instancetype)rs_permutation:(NSInteger)n;
- (instancetype)rs_reject:(BOOL (^)(id item))block;
- (instancetype)rs_reverse;
- (id)rs_sample;
- (instancetype)rs_sample:(NSUInteger)count;
- (instancetype)rs_select:(BOOL (^)(id item))block;
- (instancetype)rs_shuffle;
- (instancetype)rs_take:(NSInteger)count;
- (id)rs_takeWhile:(BOOL(^)(id item))block;
- (instancetype)rs_uniq;
- (instancetype)rs_uniq:(id(^)(id item))block;
- (instancetype)rs_zip;
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id<NSCopying>)key;
- (instancetype)rs_gcd:(NSInteger)other;
- (instancetype)rs_lcm:(NSInteger)other;
- (instancetype)rs_next;
- (instancetype)rs_pred;
- (id)rs_times:(void(^)(void))block;
- (id)rs_timesWithIndex:(void(^)(NSInteger index))block;
- (id)rs_downto:(NSInteger)limit do:(void(^)(NSInteger index))block;
- (id)rs_upto:(NSInteger)limit do:(void(^)(NSInteger index))block;
- (NSArray *)rs_numbersTo:(NSInteger)to;
- (NSString *):(id)object;
- (NSString *):(NSInteger)from :(NSInteger)to;
- (NSString *):(NSInteger)from :(NSInteger)to exclusive:(BOOL)exclusive;
- (NSArray *)rs_chars;
- (BOOL)rs_containsString:(NSString *)term;
- (BOOL)rs_containsString:(NSString *)term caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseSensitive;
- (NSString *)rs_delete:(id)input;
- (id)rs_eachChar:(void(^)(NSString *item))block;
- (BOOL)rs_isEmpty;
- (NSString *)rs_justifyLeft:(NSInteger)length;
- (NSString *)rs_justifyLeft:(NSInteger)length with:(NSString *)pad;
- (NSString *)rs_justifyRight:(NSInteger)length;
- (NSString *)rs_justifyRight:(NSInteger)length with:(NSString *)pad;
- (NSArray *)rs_split;
- (NSArray *)rs_split:(NSString *)pattern;
- (NSString *)rs_strip;
- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id<NSCopying>)key;
git checkout -b new-feature
).git commit -am 'Added new-feature'
).git push origin new-feature