RoleTabBarController 1.0.0

RoleTabBarController 1.0.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by azu, akuraru.

RoleTabBarController provide Implementing UITabBarController pattern.

  • Similar to <UITableViewDataSource> patterns.

RoleTabBarController is not special, but it's just another pattern.


pod 'RoleTabBarController'


See Example/ or

pod try RoleTabBarController


You should implement <RoleTabBarDataSource> protocol on subclass of RoleTabBarController

@protocol RoleTabBarDataSource <NSObject>
* Life Cycle
* numberOfRoleTabBarController
* -> ViewController - viewControllerAtIndex
* -> TabBarItem - tabBarItemObjectAtIndex
* -> TabBarItem - willShowTabBar
- (NSUInteger)numberOfRoleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController;

- (UIViewController *)roleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController viewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger) index;

- (RoleTabBarItemObject *)roleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController tabBarItemObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger) index;

- (void)roleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController willShowTabBar:(UITabBarItem *) tabBarItem atIndex:(NSUInteger) index;


How to use

  1. You create Subclass of RoleTabBarController and adopt <RoleTabBarDataSource> protocol on the subclass(AppTabBarController)
  2. You should implement <RoleTabBarDataSource> protocol
  3. That's all
@interface AppTabBarController : RoleTabBarController <RoleTabBarDataSource>

@interface AppTabBarController ()
@property(nonatomic, strong) AppTabBarControllerModel *model;

@implementation AppTabBarController
- (AppTabBarControllerModel *)model {
    if (_model == nil) {
        _model = [[AppTabBarControllerModel alloc] init];
    return _model;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.dataSource = self;
    [self reloadData];

#pragma mark - RoleTabBarController

- (NSUInteger)numberOfRoleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController {
    return 4;

- (UIViewController *)roleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController viewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger) index {
    return [self.model viewControllerAtType:(AppTabBarControllerType)index];

- (RoleTabBarItemObject *)roleTabBarController:(RoleTabBarController *) tabBarController tabBarItemObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger) index {
    return [self.model tabBarItemObjectAtIndex:index];


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