RocketChatAdapter 0.1.5

RocketChatAdapter 0.1.5

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jan Bartel.

Depends on:
VISPER-CommandBus~> 0.1.5
SwiftDDP>= 0


An adapter to connect your app to a Rocket-Chat server.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

To include it in your own project take a look at the AdapterProtocol

public protocol RocketChatAdapterProtocol{

    * Connect to server
    func connect(endpoint:String,callback:(() -> ())?)

    * Register user
    func register(email: String,name: String,password: String,completion: ((userId: String?, error: ErrorType?) -> Void)?)

    * Get a suggestion for your username
    func usernameSuggestion(completion:((username: String?,error:ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Set username
    func setUsername(username:String,completion:((username: String?,error:ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Send forgot password email
    func sendForgotPasswordEmail(usernameOrMail: String, completion:((result: Int?,error: ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Logon
    func login(userNameOrEmail: String, password: String, completion:((result: AuthorizationResultProtocol?,error:ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Get all public channels
    func channelList(completion:((result: [ChannelProtocol]?,error: ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Get a channels id by its name
    func getChannelId(name:String, completion:((roomId:String?, error: ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Join a channel
    func joinChannel(channelId: String,completion:((error:ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Leave a channel
    func leaveChannel(channelId: String,completion:((error:ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Get messages from channel
    func channelMessages(channelId : String, numberOfMessages:Int, start: NSDate?, end: NSDate?, completion: ((result: MessageHistoryResultProtocol?, error: ErrorType?)->Void)?)

    * Send a message
    func sendMessage(channelId : String,message: String, completion: ((result: Message?, error: ErrorType?) -> Void)?)

    * Set user status
    func setUserStatus(userStatus: UserStatus,completion: ((error:ErrorType?)->Void)?)




RocketChatAdapter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RocketChatAdapter"


Jan Bartel, [email protected]


RocketChatAdapter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.