RestFetcher 4.2.0

RestFetcher 4.2.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Jun 2020
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Mark Norgren, Charles Oder, Charles Oder.

  • By
  • Charles Oder


Build Status Version Swift Xcode License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



RestFetcher is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RestFetcher"



RFRequest<T: RFDecodable> This is a base intended to be extended to support a family of REST requests. T defines the class of the response to be generated by each request.

You may customize each request and any child requests by overriding the following:

var logger: RFLogger
default = RFConsoleLogger
Allows child classes to inject their own logging framework with any object that conforms to the RFLogger protocol

var timeout: TimeInterval
default = 30
Allows child classes to modify the amount of time a request will wait for a response.

var keysToScrub: [String]
default = ["password"]
Allows child classes to define what JSON keys are obscured when logged

var restMethod: RFMethod
default = .get
Allows child classes to define the rest method to use (e.g GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)

var domain: String
Allows child classes to define the root domain of their REST service (e.g.

var rootPath: String
Allows child classes to defile the root api path for their REST service (e.g. /api/v1)

var pathResource: String
Allows child classes to define the restful resource path for each endpoint (e.g. /user/auth)

var queryArguments: [String: String]
Allows child classes to define the list of query arguments to include in the request URL
All keys and values will be URL encoded by the framework

var requestBody: String
Allows child classes to set the body of the request (i.e. JSON string, http url ecoded string)

var requestHeaders: [String: String]
Allows child classes to define the request headers to be sent to the server

func createResponse(responseTime: Double, code: Int, headers: [String: String], data: Data?) -> T.ResponseType?
default = instance of generic type provided from response string
Allows child classes to perform additional processing on response objects before reporting success
responseTime - The amount of time in seconds the response took
code - the response code reported by the service
headers - a key-value mapping of response headers
data - the raw data sent by the service response

Invoking a request

let request = MyRequest()
request.successCallback = { code, response in // process response }
request.errorCallback = { error in // process error }
request.setCustomRequestVariables() // set any arguments for the request defined by the subclass

Response Wrapper Types

This library is wquipped to handle most kinds of responses, but users can define additional behavior by implementing the RFDecodable protocol

associatedType ResponseType // the generic type that this response will return in callbacks
acceptType: String? // the value to auto-inject into the Accept http header
object: ResponseType // the value of the response
init?(data: Data) // an init method for generating the response object

Included Response Wrappers

RFVoidResponse // for services that are expected to return no body
RFDataResponse // for services that are expected to return binary data (e.g. files, images, etc.)
RFStringResponse // for services that are expected to return raw string data
RFDecodableResponse<T: Decodable> // for services that return JSON requres a Decodable object to decode the JSON into
RFRawResponse<T> // for responses where the user wishes to generate the response by overriding createResponse()


Charles Oder, [email protected]


RestFetcher is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.