ResponderChain 1.1.2

ResponderChain 1.1.2

Maintained by Amzd.

Depends on:
Introspect= 0.1.2
SwizzleSwift>= 0

  • By
  • Casper Zandbergen

⛓️ ResponderChain

Cross-platform first responder handling without subclassing views or making custom ViewRepresentables in SwiftUI


  1. Getting the current first responder through ResponderChain.firstResponder
  2. Setting a new first responder through ResponderChain.firstResponder
  3. Getting tagged views available for receiveing first responder through ResponderChain.availableResponders


Attach the ResponderChain as environmentObject.

// In the SceneDelegate or ApplicationDelegate where you have access to the window:
let rootView = Example().environmentObject(ResponderChain(forWindow: window))

// SwiftUI only:

Tag views that can become first responder.


Check tagged views that are currently available to become first responder.


Make tagged views become first responder.

chain.firstResponder = "MyTextField"
if chain.firstResponder == nil {

This is completely safe, if "MyTextField" was either not available to become first responder or it wasn't tagged properly; chain.firstResponder will become nil

Resign first responder.

chain.firstResponder = nil


Attach the ResponderChain as environmentObject.

// In the SceneDelegate or ApplicationDelegate where you have access to the window:
let rootView = ResponderChainExample().environmentObject(ResponderChain(forWindow: window))

// SwiftUI only:


struct ResponderChainExample: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var chain: ResponderChain
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            // Show which view is first responder
            Text("Selected field: \(chain.firstResponder?.description ?? "Nothing selected")")
            // Some views that can become first responder
            TextField("0", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = "1" }).responderTag("0")
            TextField("1", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = "2" }).responderTag("1")
            TextField("2", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = "3" }).responderTag("2")
            TextField("3", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = nil }).responderTag("3")
            // Buttons to change first responder
            HStack {
                Button("Select 0", action: { chain.firstResponder = "0" })
                Button("Select 1", action: { chain.firstResponder = "1" })
                Button("Select 2", action: { chain.firstResponder = "2" })
                Button("Select 3", action: { chain.firstResponder = "3" })
        .onAppear {
            // Set first responder on appear
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                chain.firstResponder = "0"